"Custom Device Information" and "Advanced Device Grouping" - not visible

mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐
edited May 2023 in General questions

In my small organization we all have instaled TV14.

On my TV account (admin) I see all "Custom Device Information" in Stanadard TV APP

My employes do not see them .

For the same reason "Advanced Device Grouping" not works for them.




mLipok , AutoIt MVP


  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,591 Moderator

    Dear @mLipok,

    Thank you for your post. 

    If you are the only admin for your company profile, you are the only one who is able to create "Custom Device Information", because you are the only one who has access to the administration of the company profile. 

    The other members of the company profile, who are not admins, are just able to set these values by double clicking on "Insert value" within the software on the affected device.

    I hope, I could help you with my answer and wish you a nice day. 


    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    I was not talk about Managment Console.

    To be more specyfic let try it with: TeamViewer Protable for Windows

    In TVPortable I see all new features, but my employes do not have this freature

    In the followed screenshot (it comes from my TV PORTALBE >> ADMIN) I used RED and GREEN boxes to show what is NOT VISIBLE (lack of feature) and what is VISIBLE (feature is possible to use but did not take any effect because some features are NOT VISIBLE)


    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • ECSTech
    ECSTech Posts: 1

    It appears that Custom Device Information (CDI) only shows up for users that are the "owner/creator" of shared device groups. In your case, you can see the custom information but your other employees cannot as the devices are shared to them. 

    For CDI to be a useful feature it needs to be visible to other employees or shared users with read/write or higher permissions. I've submitted a report to Teamviewer about it but I am glad you noted the problem as well. I hope this is resolved by release as I would like to use the feature. If it isn't changed, it's essentially useless.

  • faraldo77
    faraldo77 Posts: 1

    So any changes? Only admin can see this fields...

  • TLearnC
    TLearnC Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I am the administrator for our corporate account. I have several users who have been granted "Full Control" for a group of computers.  Those users have the "Group by custom device information" dropdown, but it is useless to them.  It shows the categories that I created, but none of those categories have any values for those users, even though they have values for me.  They also do not have the ability to add values to those categories, even though your answer says that they do:

    The other members of the company profile, who are not admins, are just able to set these values by double clicking on "Insert value" within the software on the affected device.

    This feature does not work properly.  Are there plans to fix it?

  • TLearnC
    TLearnC Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I see that you have now enhanced this feature by deleting the Custom Device Information that I entered for 500+ machines.  Apparently, your solution to the fact that no one else can see this information, was to simply delete it so that no one can see it - including me.

    I wanted to also thank you (i.e., TeamViewer) for your timely response to the questions/comments in this thread.  It provides additional confidence that you appreciate the issue, and are working to address your users' concerns.

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    I confirm as NOT FIXED.

    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Are there any plans to change this behaviour? It is pretty useless if I am the only one who can see or sort by these fields.

  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭


  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    I bumping too.

    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭


  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Are there any plans to  fix this issue with a future release?

  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭


  • AlphaSeb
    AlphaSeb Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I agree, this feature is essentially useless. Why is nobody responding?

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    @AlphaSeb wrote:

    I agree, this feature is essentially useless.

    I would like to improve your statement.

    This functionality looks like an interesting feature for the future, but now it is useless because it can not be used in practice.

    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • bartekk
    bartekk Posts: 1

    I agree - it is completely useles!

  • TLearnC
    TLearnC Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I sent @Natascha a private message, since she was the TeamViewer moderator who originally replied to this post.  Here is what I said:

    You responded to the original post on "26 Oct 2018, 11:58 AM." Since then, you have ignored every post. We can only assume that this means you have no interest in actually answering TeamViewer customers' questions, and even less interest in improving TeamViewer. If this is incorrect, prove it by responding.

    She proved my statement correct by completely ignoring me.  I sent that message on July 23, 2019.

  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I agree, this is ridiculous. I have posted 2 questions on these forums and neither has been answered, the other one wasn't even acknowledged by any Mod despite being a simple question regarding a feature they outline in their documentation (Base64 Password Encoding).

    We won't be renewing when our term is up, clearly Teamviewer does not care about supporting their community.

  • TLearnC
    TLearnC Posts: 4 ✭✭

    @ajones wrote:

    We won't be renewing when our term is up, clearly Teamviewer does not care about supporting their community.

    Supporting their community is one thing, but my experience is that they are not interested in supporting their customers, period.

  • ajones
    ajones Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Once again, looking for some sort of official answer on this issue.