Manually allow teamviewer on NG (next-generation) firewalls?

Manually allow teamviewer on NG (next-generation) firewalls?

My firewall does SSL inspection. What domain or ip range should I manually allow?

Best Answer


  • Hi Julia,

    thanks for the description. We are using Juniper and there is not possible to set a wildcard.

    Is it possible to get the sbudomains? insted of the * star or do you have a hint for my configuration. I will open the firewall for outbound connection to your server.

    regards Eugen

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Dear eugenmartel,

    Would it be possible to allow traffic to every address through port 5938? Only a very few programs are using this port.

    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • Hi Julia, based on our security policy it is allowed only to knowen ips thats my problem.

    juniper is allowing only direct ip, ip ranges or wildcard with subdomains like e.g. or but not marked with a * if I am trying I will get an error every time.

    do you see a chance here to get a sollution? 

    regards eugen

  • hi,

    what about the the ports 80 and 443 which is required for mass deployment and management ? it's not possible to open direct access to internet... you should have provided users a list of domain/subdomain list or network info as you use azure services