Remote control noise


I am using Teamviewer v 13 free edition for personal use. I connect from win 7 pro 64 (desk top) or win10 64 pro (laptop) to a  remote desk top, which has win 7 pro 32 bit.

When I connect to the other machine using remote control from either desk top, or laptop, I get a  "pinging" noise, which repeats every 2, or 3, seconds. Apart from turning off the sound, how can I turn off this "ping"? I have tried turning off beep on the remote machine, using device manger and it did not work. (I have spent quite a bit of time looking for this answer and connot even find this noise referred to)


  • MTG
    MTG Posts: 4

    Did you ever solve this issue?  I may be seeing a similar effect.