I've used Teamviewer 14 for long time, and just all of a sudden it's unable to connect to servers. I can't even check for updates via App and log into account.
System is Windows 10 (bootcamp MBP mid 2018)
Log files says something about dns and socket errors (flooded with the same strings):
2019/06/27 18:34:29.479 4440 5784 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::ResolveDNSName: resolving DNS name failed, status = Failed, HTTP response code = 0, URL = 'http://router8.teamviewer.com/cname.aspx'
2019/06/27 18:34:29.479 4440 5784 S0!! CHttpConnectionOutgoing::HandleResolveDNS: empty address, m_ConnectionState=0
2019/06/27 18:34:29.480 4440 5776 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[17236]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
2019/06/27 18:34:29.480 4440 5776 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router8.teamviewer.com failed
2019/06/27 18:34:29.481 4440 5776 S0 Waiting 1 seconds to connect to KeepAlive again
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5796 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 8 proxy -- IP router8.teamviewer.com
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5796 S0 Activating Router carrier
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5796 S0!!!CTcpConnectionBase[17237]::HandleResolve(): Resolve failed, router5.teamviewer.com:5938, Error: system:11001
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5776 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[17237]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5776 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router5.teamviewer.com failed
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5784 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 4 proxy -- IP router5.teamviewer.com
2019/06/27 18:34:30.481 4440 5784 S0 Activating Router carrier
2019/06/27 18:34:30.483 4440 5776 S0!! HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Couldn't resolve host name (6), Could not resolve host: router8.teamviewer.com
2019/06/27 18:34:30.483 4440 5776 S0!! Port443Connection::RequestFinishedCallback: failed with HTTP status code = 0
2019/06/27 18:34:30.483 4440 5784 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[17238]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
2019/06/27 18:34:30.483 4440 5784 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router8.teamviewer.com failed
2019/06/27 18:34:30.484 4440 5796 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 2 proxy -- IP router8.teamviewer.com
2019/06/27 18:34:30.484 4440 5796 S0 Activating Router carrier
2019/06/27 18:34:30.486 4440 5772 S0!! HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Couldn't resolve host name (6), Could not resolve host: router3.teamviewer.com
Portable version 14 on this PC has no connection as well.
I tried to reinstall full version 14.
Tried install version 13.
Tried change app folder name and manually cleanup all dependent settings in user folder.
I've installed AV software for the first time and scanned PC for viruses. I have bult-in Windows real-time protection settings at lowest possible.
I have firewall disabled globally. However, I tried to allow all inbound/outbound actions for TV app via Windows firewall.
I did reset all Windows network settings with reboot.
I tried flush dns and some netsh commands.
I tried to use dns servers.
I tried to use different WiFi hotspot with my iPhone carrier.
I tried to use OpenVPN connection.
I tried to drag and drop TV14 portable into VMware machine on this Win 10 and it has connection with no issues.
The second laptop on Win 7 with TV13 installed within the same WiFi network works fine.
iOS TV app within this WiFi works fine.
I tried to launch old portable versions of TV and 10-11 version works fine to my surprise.
12-14 has no connection.
What the heck, could anyone help? Thanks.
I have disabled Windows 10 updates with 3rd party tool (due to Windows waking up my MBP in carrying sleeve or at night, lol) and latest updates cycle was checked at 07.05.2019.
Local connections via private IP is still possible (TeamViewer sidebar shows iOS client connected, but iOS shows black screen with 'Connecting...', not sure why).