Teamviewer 12 Kyocera


Installed all the necessary Kyocera add ons and keep getting a rejected message on the PC when trying to control the phone.   (Kyocera DuraForce Pro).    I know it connects because I can chat... however the message at the top says remote control rejected. Reject.JPG


  • BatesIT
    BatesIT Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Four years later and still having this exact problem with Kyocera Duraforce Ultra 5G & DuraForce Pro 2 immediately showing "connection request rejected" for both Host and QuickSupport - all versions. Has TeamViewer just given up on Kyoceras without telling even your paying customers? Why keep the Kyocera Add-on & Kyocera Add-on(2) on Google Play Store when they never work?! Is there ever going to be a fix for this?