Video and audio options are missing, on the recipient's TeamViewer panel, in some Remote Control ses


I use TeamViewer to communicate with my daughter very often. My daughter and I both installed a free, non-commercial-use-only version of TeamViewer (currently version 14.2) on our computers. When my daughter wants a TeamViewer session with me, she would first run TeamViewer on her laptop computer. She then emails me her TeamViewer ID and password. After receiving her ID and password, I then run TeamViewer (Remote Control) on my laptop computer, to access her computer. During our TeamViewer Remote Control session, there are video and audio options (i.e., icons) on my TeamViewer panel that is located on the bottom-right corner of my computer monitor. I am able to turn on the video and audio options (i.e., icons), so that my daughter can see me and hear my voice. Similarly, on the TeamViewer panel (that is located on the bottom-right corner of my daughter's laptop computer monitor), there used to be video and audio options (i.e., icons) that she can turn on those options, so that I can see her and hear her voice. Recently, I am not sure what we have done wrong. Sometimes, those video and audio options (i.e., icons) were missing on her TeamViewer panel during TeamViewer Remote Control sessions. That is, sometimes those video and audio options (i.e., icons) were available to her; whereas other times, those options (i.e., icons) were completely absent on her TeamViewer panel. For clarity, I am attaching a snapshot of the TeamViewer panel on my daughter's computer for your review.

If anyone could help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.




  • Suppamamma
    Suppamamma Posts: 1

    I have the same problem. Is there a solution?