What is the difference between TeamViewer Session and TeamViewer Connection


does anybody know what is the difference between:

  • TeamViewer Session with session code sXX-XXX-XXX
  • and TeamViewer Connection with Partner ID?

As I understand both type of remote connection use TeamViewer channel.

TeamViewer Session is used by FreshService and I want to understand, what is so special at TeamViewer Session, that TeamViewer Connection cannot provide?

TV Frage 01.jpgTV Frage 02.jpg

Looking forward to your replies!


Best Answer


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Nuriia 

    Thanks for your question. Great one indeed!

    First of all, I would say there are no major differences, but the way of starting a connection and the module used.

    You can start with this article and I hope this one will already answer most of your questions: What is a TeamViewer ID? 

    If there is anything unclear, please feel free to come back into this thread and ask more ?



    Former Community Manager

  • Hi @Esther ,

    hi @DomLan ,

    thank you for the detailed information!

    Another question, when I end TeamViewer Session, does TeamViewer API send a singnal, that session (sXX - XXX - XXX) has been ended?

    The background of my question: if TeamViewer API does send a signal, then it would be possible to program to automatically end timer. This is the feature we need, which is currently not available in FreshService.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Nuriia,.

    sorry for late...

    Through the API you are able to query the system and acquire information. Then you can get the details of a connection that has just ended.
    What you ask instead is to be informed, proactively, by the system itself (by TeamViewer), of the fact that a connection has just ended. The WebHooks are part of this scenario, a communication channel that has a different logic: it is you who offer an end-point to which you can be called to be updated on a specific event.

    As far as I know this mechanism is not yet available, although recent advances made to integrate TeamViewer with Teams should make use of webhooks.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder