Anything by Team Viewer OR 3rd Party that will automatically make the required Mac Quick Support sec

I provide technical support to a wide array of users. Many of these users belong to a demographic that is flat out incapable of performing basic computer operations. If this particular demographic of user is using Windows and Team Viewer Quick Support there are no problems. They can click hyperlinks and click OK to allow. All that is fine. 

However, any time I get a Mac OS user from this demographic, it takes hours just to get them connected to TeamViewer Quick Support because they have extreme difficulty performing the steps required to grant access to Team Viewer Quick Support as listed here.

I've tried directing them to other resources that explain the same process but they simply cannot handle anything more complex that clicking ok or cancel. 

Is there anything made by Team Viewer OR by a third party that will automatically make the required security changes on Mac when users launch the Team Viewer Quick Support Agent? Prompting users so all they need to do is click OK, OK, and OK is fine too, but anything more complex than that is a non-starter for this particular demographic of user.  

I am at the point where Team Viewer Quick Support is not a viable solution because it takes longer to get connected than to actually solve the user’s problem.

There has to be a solution for this. It is maddening. I am hoping someone has or knows of a solution.