TV crushes during login, if logout was made before

UpBoard Posts: 4 ✭✭

Hello everyone!

I have a problem:
Remote TV crushes during login, if logout was made before without rebooting the system. Remote PC has Xfce GUI, therefore Login and Logout are performed by means of this GUI.
In log file I can see the following (excerpt, detailed log file see below):

==== Re-Open Desktop! ====
MonitorInfo: WorkingArea: Property error 14 (1), Errorcode=11
CInterProcessNetwork::TerminateProcessInSession session=0, ptype=4
==== Close Desktop! ====
==== Desktop closed already! ====
ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 1 failed with error 2, Errorcode=11
CInterProcessNetwork: Received DisconnectIPC from processID 2456 (ProcessType: 4 in Session 0) with reason 4
Process 2456 in session 0 has terminated
Started process "/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/TeamViewer" (pid = 2751) as user ole (1000)
Child cleanly exited pid=2751, s=0
Child cleanly exited pid=2747, s=0
TeamViewer is going offline!

The error scenario:
1. Right after boot I connect with TV to the remote PC. I can see the standard login screen of LightDB.
2. Perform login on Remote PC. The Xfce desktop is loaded.
3. Chose  "Log Out" from menu. Landing to the login screen of LightDM
4. Login again. The screen of TV becomes frozen, connection terminates and remote PC goes offline in the contact list. Nevertheless the remote system is still available over SSH, TV daemon runs, but doesn't handle any connections.

The same behavior I'm observing if the remote pc remains iddle for some time.

I can't figure out what actually happens. What reason 4 and error code  11 are stand for? The workaround solution would be to make a cron task which will check the current state of the TV and if neccessary restart the daemon. But this is workaround, and I'm not really sure that it is going to be reliable enough.

My configuration is:
* Ubuntu Server 16.04
* TeamViewer 12.0.76279
* LightDM 1.18.3
* X Server 1.18.4

Log file can be found here:


Best Answer


  • UpBoard
    UpBoard Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thank you Christian for answer. I'm back again to this problem and it looks for me like a very specific problem for certain linux desktop managers.

    I tried the option with monitoring of TeamViewer_Desktop process and restarting the daemon if it is not running. Also I figured that in some cases restart of lightdm is also necessary to get things working as expected.