We are currently upgrading teamviewer host on all company computers from v10 to v15.
We uninstall the old v10 msi package, then install a new custom host package like this:
msiexec.exe /i "\\FILESERVER\Program\TeamViewer\TV15\TeamViewer_Host_XXXXXXX.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="\\FILESERVER\Program\TeamViewer\TV15\2020_v15.tvopt" CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXXXXX APITOKEN=XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX /l "\\FILESERVER\Program\TeamViewer\TV15\log\%COMPUTERNAME%_tvlog.txt"
This works greats, v15 is up and running and the upgraded device is still online in the teamviewer management console. The problem: the alias has changed/reset. For easy searching, we usually add the users name to the alias, like PC555 - Bob Smith. After the upgrade, the alias is reset to just PC555.
The documentations says this about the alias:
--alias [<name>] | Alias for the new device in the computers & contacts list. If the device is already in the contact list, no alias will be applied. |
In our case, the device is already in the contact list, so the alias should remain untouched. This does not happen, the default %computername% alias is applied.
Does "If the device is already in the contact list"" from the doc really mean "If the device alias is already in the contact list"? Wouldnt it be better to check if the teamviewer ID is already in the contact list, and then leave the alias alone? We aren't even using the --reassign option, and the teamviewer ID remains the same as before upgrading. The description field remains unchanged.
Any suggestions for workarounds that let us keep our custom device aliases when upgrading? Do we need to actually use the --alias assignment option in order to leave the alias unchanged, or is there another trick to this?