Cannot record a session
we are using latest version of TV in our company (previously licenced v11) and right now we noticed that we are not able to record the remote screen at our customers to whom we are connecting by VPN (usually to version 11).
Everytime you press the button for recording, nothing happens, the button will stay greyish and after some time the connection drops, window closes...
I tried to figure out if it is some setting, but havent been able to succesfully find any to sort this out.
However, in the log file there are a lots of VoiP logs and I noticed that when I start a call (conference call in the top menu) and end it right away in the side bar, recording is possible as usual!
Please help
So I was finally able to test it with another customer (version 9), and the thing with calling doesnt work there...
So we really need this solved asap!