Knoxed AzureAD Shared Android and Teamviewer

DivinaCommedia Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited December 2020 in Mobile


I am currently experimenting with the Azure AD shared devices (android) from Intune/Endpoint which is pretty new. I've got everything working on business phones but i have problem with the AzureAD shared devices.

When opening teamviewer i get a connection ID but it says it want to activate knox. It should already be activated and i don't see a way to activate it. It just says "activating remote control" forever.

Any suggestions how to solve this? I would make wonders for my project.


  • DivinaCommedia
    DivinaCommedia Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Problem have been solved.

    Solution: Close down Managed home screen -> Open teamviewer and start sharing -> Accept all terms + licens -> Go back to managed home screen -> now working.

    This is something i have to do on several apps that demands some kind of acceptance and give them access.