Error when adding company name in the allow list



for the first time i have a problem adding the company name to the allow list, it gives me the error

"Please ensure to enter a valid e-mail address if you want to add contact. the following entries are invalid:"

it works when i put the e-mail, but i cant add each email, they are too many.

i need to add the company name like alwas.

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • sbradbury
    sbradbury Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Over a year old, so I'm sure no one cares, but it doesn't work for us either. This allow list is a nearly worthless feature.

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 895 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @sbradbury

    Thanks for your post.

    The TeamViewer community is a place where both licensed and free users can come to ask questions and get answers for various TeamViewer issues. However, please know the support forum is mainly user-driven, meaning many solutions come from our super-users and fans alike!

    As the conversations are mostly user-driven, we cannot always ensure that a post is replied to by a TeamViewer support rep (although our team works around the clock to assist as many as we can) - however, as a licensed user you also have direct access to the TeamViewer support team, who are more than happy to assist you over the phone or via the ticket system.

    Regarding the issue, if you wish to add all users in your Company Profile to an allow list, simply choose the Company Profile option:

    This will include all current users in your Company Profile, and new users added to the Company Profile in the future will also be automatically allowed to connect to such devices.

    I hope this helps you get started in the right direction! If you have any clarifications, or other questions, feel free to reach back out here.

    Have a great week!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator
