Why did my post disappear & how do I contact the community admin?


I recently posted a question (1/30/2021) and today (2/1/2021) I checked to see if I had gotten any answers... the post was missing. Is there an Administrator/Moderater for community.teamviewer.com?

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em think...


  • Fiona_G
    Fiona_G Posts: 689 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @moot4hn,

    Thank you for your post. Moderators may edit, move or merge any content and if needed, users may be warned and banned at the moderators' discretion as per Community Guidelines. If your thread has been merged in the same topic, please click your Profile→Comments (on the right side) to check them.

  • moot4hn
    moot4hn Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Doesn't show anything about 'lost post'... only stuff from 2/1/2021 when I answered another users post about the same issue of '...Commercial use...' So how do I find out what happened to my original post?

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em think...