Your TeamViewer license has been activated - You can now migrate your modules to the latest...

Hi all,

For a while now, when I log into my TeamViewer portal and go to my Custom Modules, I have seen a message at the top of the page:

Your TeamViewer license has been activated - You can now migrate your modules to the latest TeamViewer version.

I know it's been there for a while, so I figured it's about time I got to the bottom of this. I'm assuming this means that this will generate new versions of my Custom Modules for deployment?

However, I'm not clear as to what impact this will have to my existing installs from these modules. Will they be auto-updated to the new version as well? Will I still be able to connect to them in the meantime?

I'd assume there was some sort of announcement about this, but my search through the Community hasn't been able to surface this info. Can someone point me in the right direction?


John Moe