TIP: How to properly scale your custom logo in the Quick Support Module

valkyriebiker Posts: 21
edited October 2021 in General questions

Hi all,

I had a time trying to get my custom logo to look right in the custom TV QS module. The 100(H) x 270(W) pixel dimensions per the documentation only displays correctly when the client computer is at 100% (pixel true) display magnification. At greater than 100% magnification, your logo will not scale up properly and will appear smaller in the customer logo area. The greater the magnification, the smaller your logo will appear. Not pretty.

Many computers today, especially laptops, have magnification defaulted to 125, 150, or 175 percent. If the display is capable of greater than FHD (1080) then magnifications over 200% isn't uncommon, e.g. for 4K screens.

So, if you want your logo to display properly at magnifications up to (say) 175% then create your art as 175(H) x 473(W) and upload to the TV QS module editor. Each dimension (H/W) is multiplied by the maximum magnification percent divided by 100.

Now it'll look right at 100, 125, 150, and 175% magnification. TV QS will scale down the logo, but not up.



  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,415 Moderator

    HI valkyriebiker,

    Thank you for sharing such a valuable information on the Community

    We appreciate with your contribution.

    Many thanks from TeamViewer Community.


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @valkyriebiker

    OMG - I just tested it myself and wow: I never realized that there is no upscaling. Thank you!!

    My monitor stops at 175 %. Whatever scaling I choose between 100 and 175%, the image made with 175 x 473 as you suggested works fine (see below for 100%):

    So what I am now thinking is: Shouldn´t we rather change the initial recommendation to this value? Or even higher to keep those over 200% in mind?

    What would you suggest?

    Thanks, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Hi @Esther ,

    Glad this helped!

    Shouldn´t we rather change the initial recommendation to this value? Or even higher to keep those over 200% in mind?

    Yes, I would recommend that. I only tested to 175% because I don't have a 4K monitor handy on which to test higher magnifications. It'll probably work because the mechanics are the same. But I cannot conclusively prove that.

    I suspect the recommendation for 100x270 was based on true 100% pixel scaling some years ago when scaling wasn't common and the specs for the documentation were never revisited.

    Now with monitors that are capable of much higher PPI densities, especially on laptops, scaling/magnification became necessary and more common in order for older legacy software to display correctly (not too small). All this is due to the now-common decoupling of graphic UI libraries from actual hardware PPI densities. Back in the day, UI designers actually counted pixels. Can't really do that anymore.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi again @valkyriebiker

    Yes - it helped a lot!

    We will update the Knowledge Base article accordingly. I searched a couple of articles and I think we only mention the actual recommendation in this one: TeamViewer modules - TeamViewer Support

    Or did you see it somewhere else?

    Would you agree that the best recommendation for a one-size-fits-all is the 175 x 473? And maybe add a hint for those with higher resolutions to use the calculations you suggested:

    So, if you want your logo to display properly at magnifications up to (say) 175% then create your art as 175(H) x 473(W) and upload to the TV QS module editor. Each dimension (H/W) is multiplied by the maximum magnification percent divided by 100.

    Thanks again and have a good start into your day,


    Former Community Manager