How to properly scale your custom logo in the QuickSupport Module
Hi all,
My name is Robert and around here I am @valkyriebiker -- a long time TeamViewer user since 2010. I'm an indie I.T. consultant in Columbia, Missouri. I serve small business and residential clients.
The customized TeamViewer QuickSupport module is a big deal to me. Why is that?
👉 Because I want my clients to have a visual confirmation that my remote access method is legit. With so much fraud these days, such reassurance is important.
My logo is a repair guy working on a computer which is present on my website (, my business cards, mouse pads that I give away, and other materials that I may employ.
My clients are accustomed to seeing and trusting it. Consistent branding builds goodwill. This helps prevent scammers from trying to trick my clients into accessing their systems.
Therefore it makes sense to have my logo on the remote access tool I am using to remote into my clients' computers.
The Scaling Issue
However, I discovered a logo scaling issue that became apparent due to my main work monitor being set to 125% magnification. I noticed that my logo at the originally recommended 100x270 was not occupying the entire custom logo area.
The 100(H) x 270(W) pixel dimensions per the documentation only displays correctly when the client computer is at 100% (pixel true) display magnification.
At greater than 100% magnification, the logo will not scale up properly and will appear smaller in the customer logo area. The greater the magnification, the smaller the logo will appear. Not pretty.
Background Information
Many computers today, especially laptops, have magnification defaulted to 125, 150, or 175 percent. If the display is capable of greater than FHD resolution (1080) then magnifications over 200% aren't uncommon, e.g. for 4K screens. This wasn't so much the case years ago.
The Solution
To make the logo display properly at magnifications up to 175% then create your logo/art as 175(H) x 473(W) and upload it to the TeamViewer QuickSupport module editor. Each dimension (H/W) is multiplied by the maximum magnification percent divided by 100.
Example - Create a logo that displays correcting at magnifications up to 175%
💡 Take the originally recommended 270 px (width) and multiply it by 1.75 (max magnification divided by 100) and your result will be 473 (well, 472.5 rounded up). You must maintain aspect ratio, so do the same math for the height as well.
Final result: 175 x 473 px.
Now it'll display correctly at 100, 125, 150, and 175% magnification!
📌Note: The QuickSupport scales down the logo as needed, but not up -- hence the reason for making it 175x473.
Another thing I discovered:
When I experimented with the 175 x 473 logo, I found out that by setting the background color of my logo to the same background color for the QuickSupport info panel (where the ID and password would appear) then the logo will "full bleed" even if it shrinks at some higher res (>175%) -- so it'll still "look right" even if a bit smaller.
A caveat
With magnifications above 200%, I ran into some scaling issues even when doing the above. Your mileage may vary.
Also, if you do experiment with different logo resolutions, it's not necessary to download the QS module every time. Just re-execute the module you already downloaded. That's because the QS module "phones home" every time you execute it and will download whatever art is specified for that configuration id.
Thanks and I hope these tips help you show your logo in the best way to all your customers!
Here's what my custom QS module looks like.
Thanks for sharing this with us @valkyriebiker ! Much appreciated!
Based on your findings, we changed our official recommendation to 175 x 473 px here in the part of the customized modules 👍🏼
That´s what I call a fantastic community-driven impact!
Thanks again, Esther
Former Community Manager