account e-mail


I am a paid user with a company account, but the email address registered by my predecessor has been deleted from the company and I can not log in using it, so I can take over from my predecessor and register my email address can not.

What should I do?

This email address has already been deleted so no one can check your email at this address.

I want you to respond ASAP.


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @kazitopia,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community! 👋🏼

    In order to verify the identity and handle your request, I need you to provide me with the email of the user via private message.

    Thank you.



    German Community Moderator

  • Hi, Justin

    Thank you for your reply.

    Which contact should I send the message to?

    Would you please indicate your contact information?

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,591 Moderator

    Hi @kazitopia

    Thanks for getting back.

    In order to send @Justin a message, simply click on his name and choose Message

    He will then receive your message in his personal inbox.

    Have a nice day and all the best,


    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • Hi , Natascha

    Thank you for telling me how to send a message with a pic.

    It is very easy to understand !!

    I am going to try.

    Thank you,

    Have a nice day and all the best, you too!