BUGS I've noticed when connecting to Android from laptop

adrianh Posts: 6
edited December 2021 in Mobile

First off, TeamViewer is a great product. It helps me a lot when helping family, esp my dad, use their devices.

However, there are a couple of bugs I've noticed when using TeamViewer. There doesn't seem to be a place to post bugs, so I'm entering it here.

If I'm connecting to my Android device from my Laptop I've noticed:

  1. Swiping off of the virtual display when clicking and dragging the mouse cursor will result in the Android device not realizing that I've let go. Android should keep thinking that I'm still pressing on the display until I let go regardless if I'm on the virtual display or not.
  2. Using the Window's trackpad's two finger swipe on the Android virtual display does cause the display to scroll, but does so very jerkily and just a millimeter of movement causes a very disproportionately long scroll on the device.
  3. Sometimes, the connection unexpectedly drops. This may not actually be a bug, but the app manager killing processes. I've got a OnePlus T7. I think I've figured out how to stop the system from killing processes from this post https://dontkillmyapp.com/oneplus, and for now it appears to not dropping any more. Just wanted to post this as a possible bug anyway in case others have the same issue.
  4. Another issue I found is that when the lock screen is on, I can't interact with the display, and the display is zoomed for some reason as can be seen by this screenshot:



  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,427 Moderator
    edited December 2021

    Hi @adrianh,

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Community😊

    Currently, I cannot confirm such bugs yet.

    However, I forwarded your feedback to our product management.

    Thank you so much for your feedback!

    Your feedback and thoughts are always welcomed and appreciated✨✨

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday time🍀

    Best regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • adrianh
    adrianh Posts: 6
    edited December 2021

    Thx Akiho. Have a great holiday season.


    P.s. I just installed the PC and Android versions just a couple of days ago, so they are up to date.