TeamViewer predatory charging policy
Dear TeamViewer team,
I want to inform the payment of invoice [removed per Community Guidelines]
I IMMEDIATELY demand the CANCELLATION of any TeamViewer service, and I come to demonstrate my deep DISSATISFACTION with the abusive and predatory policy of improper charging.
I will never use your services again, and I will never recommend the company to anyone again. I permanently deleted any TeamViewer program from my computers.
I will file a lawsuit if the amount is not refunded in my credit card. According to the Consumer Defense Code, Brazilian law No. 8078/1990, automatic renewal in the supply of products or services is a PROHIBITED practice.
For example, Art. 39 says:
"It is forbidden for the supplier of products or services, among other abusive practices:
III - send or deliver to the consumer, without prior request, any product, or provide any service;"
As the automatic renewal was performed without authorization, the amounts unduly deducted from the credit card must be reimbursed in double, according to Art. 42:
Art. 42. Sole paragraph. The consumer charged in an undue amount has the right to repeat the undue amount for an amount equal to twice what he paid in excess, plus monetary correction and legal interest unless there is a justifiable mistake.
It is essential that, before renewal, there is a CONFIRMATION by the consumer of his intention to renew the contract. In addition, it becomes a situation of extreme embarrassment to be framed as a debtor in an international company.
Therefore, I request action regarding the reversal of the amount of R$ 1335.00 on my credit card. If not, I will file a lawsuit together with my lawyers.
Matheus Pinheiro Ferreira