I'm running TeamViewer 15.27.3 on Mint Linux 20 and it has always worked just fine when trying to control remote Linux or Windows machines. A few days ago we upgraded our licence to be able to control Android devices, which again works fine, but only if I use Windows. When I try to open RC to Android devices from my Linux computer, the RC window just doesn't open. No warnings, no errors, nothing on the console if I launch TV from it.
I double click on the device in my contacts list (just like I do on Windows), the green dot at the bottom changes to yellow and gives me the usual 2-3 authentication messages, then it goes back to green saying that the authentication was successful and nothing else happens. After a few seconds it goes back to the usual "ready to connect" message.
I've also tried looking at the several files I can find in /opt/teamviewer/logfiles but couldn't find anything useful.
Any idea how I could solve this issue?
Thank you