ID and Password are blank

I'm trying to help a colleague, and their ID and Password are blank.

They're on a Mac, with an internet connection.

I've talked them through removing TeamViewer and downloading/re-installing; still, both are blank.

Looking around, this question has been asked before, but with zero answers or suggestions.

Any ideas appreciated.



  • peetm
    peetm Posts: 2

    So I worked this out and leave it as a possible reason that you're seeing a blank ID/Password too.

    One thing I'd ask you to do, is to see if you can load from your problem machine, if not, you've possibly got the same problem as I had - being actively blocked by an ISP; in my case, it was the UK's TalkTalk. Apparently they have done this because of the prevalent use of TeamViewer by scammers. The solution was to log into the owner's TalkTalk account and to then white-list the domain.