Need advice. My mom 80 years old, can't hear well even with hearing aid device(s). I need to communicate with her in regular basis; using ONE WAY TEXT.
The best solution in general will be having carer or nurse to stay by her side at all time but my mom have an extreme personality and i already ran out of anyone who willing to stay with her.
I wish i could remotely ...
- Wake up an iPad OR Android tablet at her house (without PIN or unlock the device) then remotely launch Notepad of some kind then typing in my conversation while i can hear her response over CCTV.
- Operation device (at my end) could be iPhone OR Android; using mobile network data plan.
- Target device (at my mom) could be iPad or Android tablet; using home wifi.
Does TeamViewer have such solution and any exiting feature that could help?
I don't mind to pay for a license if it's posible.
Thank you.