Login / mails sent not OK

Hi all,
Being forced to renew my password, I got several times messages like
Check Your Email Inbox
We have sent an email to [removed per Community Guidelines]. Click the link provided in the email to reset your password.
Also I got:
See text in green bar (Your request has been processed. You will receive an email with instructions on how to change your password.)
Strangly enough my account still exists, but I'm not sent any emails (checked, mail OK).
What am I doing wrong?
Sincerely, Luc
Hi @LucRichter,
Thank you for contacting us in the Community!
Sometimes there is a delay on receiving the emails from TeamViewer. Can I ask you to check both of inbox and spam folders for emails from TeamViewer please?
Community Moderator/中文社区管理员0 -
Hi @Ying_Q,
Thank you for reponding.
It was quite strange; I had been requesting a new password for over 30, when I decided to post a question in the TeamViewers Community.
When I finished and checked my e-mail, I had a mail in my Inbox by which I could change my password....
So I did and it worked.
When I was logged in, all (3) entries were gone.
Has my account been reset and are all three entries lost, or are they saved, somewhere in the cloud (please!)?
Unfortunately, out of frustration, I reinstalled my TeamViewer.
I was able to log in to my account, but still no entries.
So it seems like they're gone forever?
Luc Richter
0 -
Hi @LucRichter,
Thank you for the quick confirmation on the password reset. I am glad that you are able to reset the password successfully!
May I ask for more information about the 3 entries you mentioned? Are they the contacts or computers you have saved under your TeamViewer account?
If so, can you kindly recall the memory and check if you deleted the TeamViewer account previously? Because anything information saved under the account will be deleted and can not be retrieved with TeamViewer.
Please note that the same email account can be used again for sign up TeamViewer again after the action of account deletion. For more information on account deletion, we have the article below:
Meantime, may I advise you to check if you have logged in to the same TeamViewer account please if you happen to have multiple TeamViewer accounts.
Hope to hear from you again about your account inofrmation.
Community Moderator/中文社区管理员0 -
Dear @Ying_Q,
Thank you for replying again so quickly.
For the past couple of years I've been using TeamViewer successfully (as a try out, first for an elderly couple, later for two friends who needed help).
I'm using several e-mailaccounts, of which [Information removed as Community Guidelines] succesfully with my TeamViewer account. Since my account was free (and did not use it a lot) I suspect TeamViewer of having canceled my account when I tried hooking up an iPad (for supporting the elder couple). When I tried hooking up the iPad I might have been using (accidentally) one of other e-mail accounts. TeamViewer might have suspected that as a security-thing?
Do you think my entries are lost forever or might it be possible to extract them from somewhere?
If not, I will stop using TeamViewer, since I think it's quite difficult to use it easily. Besides that I believe TeamViewer is developing the software to rigorously. It takes me too much time to start using the software.
So, if it's not possible to retrieve my entries, I thank you for your effort and leave it.
Luc Richter