Remote control- Staff Laptops

marashad1234 Posts: 1
edited March 2023 in General questions

Hi i hope somone is able to help. When i remote a laptop, permision has to be given again clikcing allow access again at the bottom L hand corner. Wheareas by colleague does not have to do this ? is this a problem with the settings ?


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,286 Senior Moderator

    Hi @marashad1234,

    We're happy to read your first post! 🙌

    As a first step, could you please check if you have Full Access to other computers in your TeamViewer options.

    To do so, plea?e follow the instructions below:

    1. Click on the Gear icon in the top-right corner
    2. Click on the Advanced tab
    3. Go to Advanced settings for connections to other computers and select Full Access for Access Control
    4. Click on OK to save

    Let us know how it goes if you need further assistance.

    Have a nice day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator