my subscription is not active inspite of the payment being paid 7 days ago

rajput Posts: 1
edited April 2023 in General questions

my invoice no[removed per Community Guidelines] i have made the payment on april 1 i was told i will be sent an actication link to start my subscription but it never happened so can u please assisst me to start my subscription as it is i have lost 7 important days of my paid subscription and my buisness is suffering too the payment mode mentioned on the receipt is teamviewer accouting and the amount is rs 10184 if i call on phone numbers it says your subscription doesnt allow call access if i mail u i get no response when chat to your bot it keeps me hanging for 30 mins then says we will contact u on next working day and the lady who handled me stopped replying to my emails she just says activation link has been whereas there is no link sent



  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,106 Senior Moderator

    Hi @rajput,

    We're sorry to hear that you couldn't activate your license.

    You should have received an activation link on the day you ordered your license.

    Please check your spam folder. The email is entitled: [Your TeamViewer License Activation - Customer number]

    Let us know if you still don't retrieve the email.



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator