We use Teamviewer version 15.41.7 at the company. When connecting to users, we have a problem with logging in to them with administrator privileges. The UAC window does not show while connected.
How to fix it ? Users use TeamViewer QuickSupport
Hi @mciesielski ,
Thanks for the additional information!
Could you double-check in your TeamViewer Remote Options (Security ➜ Additional authentication settings) if you have the Windows authentication option enabled?
I'm looking forward to your feedback!
Best, Carol
We use session code QS.
I don't have the option you are talking about in advanced settings.
Thanks for your question and welcome to TeamViewer Community!
In order to assist you, I would like to understand a little bit better your scenario.
Let us know how it goes, and if we can help you further. 🙋♀️
I would like to connect to a user remotely with administrative credentials. I'm from IT department.
In the older version of TeamViewer, there was an option to connect using the credentials provided earlier. I can't find it in the new version.
Our users have TeamViewer Quick Support so that is not an option for us.
The users I connect to use TeamViewer QuickSupport. My TeamViewer does not have this option.
Hi @welsh_171 and @mciesielski,
Thanks for the feedback!
I do have a few more questions to try to understand better the issue you're having.
If it's ID and password:
1. You should be able to click Connect here
2. Type the Quick Support ID, and then click Advanced
(📌Note: The QuickSupport for the session code connects via a prompt for confirmation; therefore, the Advanced option is not available.)
3. Then the Windows authentication field should display as usual:
I'm looking forward to your feedback! 🙋♀️
to give IT support to our users we used the quicksupport.exe. In the previous versions you could just enter the session giving windows credentials with local administrative rights and the quicksupport would be closed and restarted with those credentials to prevent the blacked out screen at UAC prompts (see https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Controlling-the-UAC-on-remote-Windows-PC/ta-p/25595 )
I can't find thsi option in version 15.41.8 anymore, please help!
Thank you
According to the following article (link) , before the session starts we should be able to choose to start it as another user with elevated privileges.
It seems with the new version (15.41.7) this is no longer possible.
We use the custom quick connect with our customers and rely heavily on it.
Is this an know issue and is there an fix on the way or a work-around?
Kind regards
Hi, same here, what's happen ?
How can i use UAC if there is no options ?
where is the workaround ?
version 15.41.9 and there is no UAC ?!
The answer I was given by the support:
"This is currently not possible with the new UI, but I can assure you, that working on the full UAC capabilities is already being worked on. So, for the moment, I would ask you to switch back to the old UI for your use case."
(You should find a switch in Einstellungen (settings?) - Gerät (device?) - Allgemein (general?) ... use new UI)
On version 15.41.9 I can no longer do UAC.
Nothing is possible
Thx mate
Just leaving a comment on my own post as clarification:
When my coworker is using the standard Teamviewer quicksupport and gives me the Teamviewer ID (classic?), I still can use a local administrator account to restart the quicksupport application with administrative rights (as described in the kb 25595) and work as before - the UAC prompt is not blacked out.
But if I let my coworker use the quicksupport app modified for our premium account, I get a session key instead of an ID (format s##-###-###) and I don't see any option to enter administrative credentials to display the UAC prompt.