macOS 15.41.7 interface change: revert to old interface


Hi: I installed the 15.41.7 update on three macOS machines and the interface changed on one of them: how can I revert to the old interface and prevent it changing in the future?


Best Answer

  • DigitalPorch
    DigitalPorch Posts: 1
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓


    I found how to go back to the old interface, follow these steps.

    1. sign in

    2. in the left Colum pane click the settings gear

    3 Click go to this device settings

    4 click general

    5 toggle use new teamvier interface to off

    6 restart

    7 you have the old interface :-)


  • DigitalPorch
    DigitalPorch Posts: 1
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓


    I found how to go back to the old interface, follow these steps.

    1. sign in

    2. in the left Colum pane click the settings gear

    3 Click go to this device settings

    4 click general

    5 toggle use new teamvier interface to off

    6 restart

    7 you have the old interface :-)