Please Viewer team -- you have found a way to scare me with this terrible upgrade !! I cannot believe what Im seeing -- the new UI is absolutely not acceptable !
Most of my managed computers are "updated" but the new system insists that I need to update them --while I'm still seeing the new Version: 15.41.9 (30d2050eef3) in the TViewer info !!
This is so sad - I have worked with TViewer for 25 years and now ... I am buying another service while I hope you can fix the errors -- this is full of holes ! I cannot connect to computers which connect instantly using Jump -- I cannot bring to "Finalize and clear Duplicates" some computers which are reporting "Updated" (and they ARE online).
Please do something - I don't want to migrate to the new system !! Regretfully you may loose me to another service... (* At least give us the opportunity to stay with the old UI until you have debugged)