Hi team,
I just had an IT support to solve my file issue from a legitimate company.
They remotely accessed my PC using their custom TeamViewer Quick Support module (it's old, file version V.11.3.62585.0).
During the session, I didn't receive any prompt or notification about any file transfer.
Just out of curiosity, if they did download files from my PC during the remote session (there are some important files), will I get notified/prompted? I checked all the logs but can't find anything useful.
I know the newer version of TeamViewer will pop up a notification, but I can't find any answer/documentation on older version.
I tried to replicate the situation by downloading an old team viewer (I believe version 11.0.259193) and connect to the same quick support module that I downloaded from that IT company's website, I did the file transfer and it doesn't ask you for any prompt nor give you any notification.
I don't know if it makes any different, but both of the PCs that I used to replicate the situation has the newest TeamViewer version installed prior to that and logged in under a business account with a valid licence. They are also connected in the same network. Also, I can't remotely connect to the other PC using the old TeamViewer version if I didn't logged in to our business account, so I have to logged in on the connecting PC.
Could you please help me if you know the answer? Thanks heaps!