Issue when connecting to PC without HDMI output (Windows 11)


I have two Windows 11 PCs, and a single monitor. I alternate the monitor input between the two PCs via an HDMI switcher device, where I simply click a button to switch the input between the two PCs. I'm using TeamViewer version 15.43.8.

If I attempt to try to connect via TeamViewer Remote to a PC that is currently not connected to the monitor via the HDMI switcher device, the session is unresponsive and my TeamViewer mouse & keyboard inputs appear to be disabled. It almost appears as if the session is frozen, if I switch over the HDMI output to the PC with the TeamViewer session, then my commands suddenly all act as they should.

What is causing this issue? Could it be something in the latest update of Windows 11 that may cause difficulties with remote sessions?

Thanks for reading my post, any guidance is appreciated.