How do I get my ID and Password?

I am in the Page "Remote Support - Remote Sessions" and I can not find my ID and Password that my remote contact needs. Please help. Thanks 

Rodolfo Lopez


  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,425 Moderator

    Hi @alco,

    Welcome to the Community and thanks for your post.

    If you are using the latest version of the TeamViewer Remote, TeamViewer ID and password can be found on the main interface of the full client and the Remote Support menu after signing in. 

    We have a Community article that covers more details on this topic, please check here: Where to find my ID and password?

    Additionally, we recommend going over the following article to get more insight about TeamViewer Remote: TeamViewer Remote FAQ

    Please correct me if there is any misunderstanding.

    Hope you find this helpful.



    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター