Back to old interface

When I connect to a remote PC I am not seeing the old menu at the top anymore, instead there is a new bar. I have not chosen to use the new interface in the TeamViewer application. How can I get the old menu bar back please?


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,327 Moderator

    Hello @JDSx ,

    Welcome to our Community and we're sorry to hear you're having problems with the new interface.

    Please try restarting the TeamViewer services on this device.

    If the issue persists, please try uninstalling and installing TeamViewer again - make sure that during the uninstall you have the option Remove all settings (Windows) or Also delete configurations files (macOS) checked.

    Let us know how it goes, and if we can help you any further. 🙋‍♀️

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • I followed these instructions and yet the Remote UI is the same as OP's screenshot. Can you direct me to a download page that offers any build that features the original UI when connection to a remote PC.

    Please tell me that this is not just what TeamViewer is now.

    This new interface is not good

  • JDSx
    JDSx Posts: 6

    Same for me, unfortunately. Also for installations on new devices I see the same behaviour.

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,327 Moderator

    Hello @JDSx and @Lord_Kensington ,

    Thanks for your feedback and for giving my suggestion a try.

    First and foremost I would like to apologize for the misunderstanding on my part.

    The newest version v15.45.3 changelogs explains that changes were made to the in-session toolbar to make it more streamlined and intuitive to our users.

    In other words, the in-session toolbar is now the same for both TeamViewer Classic and TeamViewer Remote interfaces.

    For more details, please check our article: 📄 TeamViewer Remote Session Toolbar on Windows

    Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you any further.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • JDSx
    JDSx Posts: 6
    edited August 2023

    If you allow me to give me my opinion on this new layout: I find it terrible. You killed the simplicity and ease the previous version had. Installing on the new PC yesterday was a nightmare because it never became available as one of my PC's in recognized devices.

    I would say, back to the drawing board.

    Edit: What made your developers think that when people do not choose to use the new interface in the TeamViewer app that they do want the new layout in the remote PC they connect to?

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,327 Moderator

    Hi @JDSx,

    Thanks for providing us with your honest feedback, and we're sorry to hear that you had trouble yesterday to activate TeamViewer on a new device.

    If you still having any issues with TeamViewer, please provide us with more details, and we would be happy to assist you. 🙋‍♀️

    Regarding feedback:

    • We also encourage our users to send direct feedback using TeamViewer's feedback button.
    • And we're currently offering this additional survey if you're interested in participating:

    We appreciate your understanding.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • rvcjew
    rvcjew Posts: 3

    I also would like to say this is a super step back, I am not using the new UI as I find it very unintuitive and found the OLD UI to be perfect for my use case and I have a lot of fellow colleagues that agree , some have even left TV because of the new UI change alone as they could not believe this would be pushed the way it was. I have just been hoping they take a look at the amount of people using the toggle back to the OLD UI that actually have a paid License.

    Back to the Top Bar: the new UI for this goes in the same unintuitive direction. let me post some links first as I can't get the old bar back to show my points. (OLD UI) (New UI)

    Okay so now we can see the differences/similarities:

    1. The OLD UI can be shrunk so its not in the way. The NEW UI can be shrunk.
    2. The OLD UI can be left open without shrinking the viewport of the remoted pc since it hovers above and can be moved around. this saves vertical space. The NEW UI can only be shrunk or open but when open shrinks the viewport it self to keep the same aspect ratio in the view port thereby making all the content smaller in the viewport, this can make text hard to read etc.
    3. The OLD UI can be moved around the viewport. The NEW UI is a solid bar across the whole surface of the view port window.
    4. This comes back to #3 but why are all the new icons spread out across negative space instead of in one easy to click spot like the middle also why are menus within menus . It used to be if you wanted to swap monitors or monitor view all you did was click view then click on the monitor picture of the layout preferred and it was intuitive with the pics of monitors showing the layout. Now you need to click view, then monitors, then pick the monitor you need or from another menu the scaling, this all requires stopping to read what your doing in a sea of menus.
    5. None of the bar icons have text explaining what they even do. They are also small but you can't make them any bigger as then then the bar would be bigger taking up even more of the vertical space and shrinking the viewport further.
    6. The larger the TeamViewer window is the more spread out the NEW UI icons are.

    These are just some of the issues I have with this UI change. I take it there is no registry change to bring back the OLD UI of this one?

    I hope you can forward this feedback to the correct team to see it. But personally the OLD UI was already good enough and I would not have changed it.


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,327 Moderator

    Hi @rvcjew ,

    Thanks for taking the time to write us your feedback and we're sorry to hear of your discontentment with the new toolbar interface.

    Rest assured that not only your feedback but all our users' messages about the new interface were forwarded to the designated teams. If you prefer, you can also send direct feedback by using the instructions provided in my prior post.

    Regarding your question  I take it there is no registry change to bring back the OLD UI of this one?

    At the moment, according to our version v15.45.3 changelog, there's no option to switch back to the old toolbar interface.

    Please let me know if we can clarify any further questions.

    We value your feedback, and we appreciate your understanding.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • redlands23
    redlands23 Posts: 1
    edited August 2023


    The new remote user interface while looking kind of slick and such is just not good at all. I liked being able to see everything on the toolbar across the top. Now I feel like I have to hunt for actions. Please, please, please put in some sort of setting to allow us to go back to the old tool bar. It was so much easier to navigate.

    Thank you!🤞

  • JDSx
    JDSx Posts: 6
    edited August 2023

    Yes, @rvcjew explained exactly the problems of this new GUI.

    I tried the new a layout when it became available as an option. I have sent several feedback on the changes you were planning, why have you never reached out to discuss the issues? I reverted back to the old GUI within the first 15 minutes of using it.

  • rvcjew
    rvcjew Posts: 3
    edited August 2023

    Just an update I sent a feedback in the app it self and unfortunately it does not send an email of your feedback to your self.

    My main hits on it when using it for longer is it still sucks, but it can be better if certain things are implemented I think if they are so gung ho on keeping it.

    1. The bar needs to be able to float so that it does not shrink the viewport, while only being as wide (maybe even dynamically based on #2).
    2. The middle/right side has some useful icons and some un-useful ones, ones I think that should be in that spot mandatory are as such: show remote cursor, scaling, quality, screen resolution, refresh screen, monitor view type, the button to flip through monitors if you're in a single viewport view, and computer sound.
    3. What I would really want is that like say in MS Office etc. you could right click that bar and have a list come up to just add what icons you want and remove what you don't want, then let us unlock (or maybe just make them draggable) to drag the icons in the order we want then and relock the toolbar. Then have the bar only be as wide as the content selected and default centered unless we grab and move it like the OLD UI could do.
    4. What I would really like is the above but instead of that + the left text menus have the option to have the menus be an icon to get to more if we need it (using the chromium etc. method of the 3 dots would work well on the side for this).
    5. So what I would want is the bar to only be icons I set then the last icon is 3 dots I cant remove and that always opens all the rest if you were to need it, like how a browser does it. This would let the bar be only as big as you need while floating and not have redundant menus wasting horizontal space. And of course we can still shrink and move the bar if needed like you can currently and could in the OLD UI.

    These are my thoughts.


    EDIT: I just realized on @JDSx Opening Post that they did have a chrome like menu button, but when I finally got this layout that was removed, why was that? I can only think that was removed because no one could find anything as half of the useful icons are missing as stated. Since they already have that button they should just use it again but with the other things I have mentioned (I don't care if the button is on the left of right I just want a floating bar with my set icons that are useful (who is using augmented realty over say computer sound for instance, come on).

  • Atys
    Atys Posts: 1
    edited September 2023

    Continuous poor GUI decisions and rising prices have prompted me to start transitioning to **Third Party Product**.