Teamviewer QS asks UAC on user machine when using Windows authentication

Hey. I have a situation where for one of our customers each of their machines asks for a UAC where the user would have to input admin account credentials to allow me to connect when I try to connect using Windows Authentication. This customer is using Intune management but I haven´t found any setting that would cause this. I also haven´t been able to find an answer to what settings might cause this issue. The computers have a local admin user so that´s not the issue.

I would appreciate any help/ideas on how to fix this issue.



  • Valeria2
    Valeria2 Posts: 644 Moderator

    Hi @SakariH,

    Welcome, we are happy to have you for the first time in our Community!

    According to what we understand in your message you are trying to connect to your customer machines, that were configured with UAC access. Maybe because as you mentioned your customer is using Intune management, so it could be possible that internally all his machines were programed with certain parameters by his IT unit/rep.

    If we understood right in the link below you will find some troubleshooting that could help you:

    Control UAC during a TeamViewer (Classic) connection.

    Please let us know if we are in the right path and if not, please give us more details or clarity the scenario so we can extend our help.

    Have a nice day!


    Moderadora de la Comunidad en Español/ Spanish Community Moderator

  • Hey.

    Thanks for the reply but I have checked at least all the obvious documentation Teamviewer has regarding this. I also have checked all the applied settings on Teamviewer and Intune side. The only obvious settings that would cause this are UAC settings in Intune but they are similar in our other customers that Teamviewer still works normally.

  • Valeria2
    Valeria2 Posts: 644 Moderator

    Hi @SakariH,

    Thank you for the reply and taking your time to give us more details.

    Is there any Full Client or Host installation running in parallel in that specific computer? As this could have an impact on the correct running of the QS, please close it. and try again.

    If the issue persists, we suggest uninstalling TeamViewer following the instructions below and perform a new installation of the QS from our website into your customer´s computer, to eliminate any registry key or settings hidden, preventing TeamViewer from working right:

    Since we don´t know if your customer has the new or old interface here you will find the procedure for both:

    Please try this and let us know the results.

    Have a nice day!


    Moderadora de la Comunidad en Español/ Spanish Community Moderator

  • Hey.

    There is no other version of Teamviewer installed on this customers computers and the issue also happens on new computers as well. So most likely it is due to some policy setting but I have tested to stop some policies on a testmachine but I still haven´t found what setting could cause this.

  • Valeria2
    Valeria2 Posts: 644 Moderator

    Hi @SakariH

    Thank you for your message.

    Have you tried to uninstall TeamViewer following the instructions sent in the previous comment in your customer´s computer? If not, please try to do it.

    Maybe it´s something related with the UAC settings in Intune, as you mentioned in your past answer, and in this case, we suggest you contact Intune customer support.

    Another option would be, if you or your customer have a TeamViewer license one of you could contact our 📞customer support team, where you can get more direct assistance (please be prepared with the invoice number or customer number).

    We hope one of these suggestions can help you, keep us posted!



    Moderadora de la Comunidad en Español/ Spanish Community Moderator

  • Jonathan_M
    Jonathan_M Posts: 1
    edited February 2024


    We also use Intune to manage our devices & see this same behaviour.

    The problem seems to stem from a config profile within Intune, under 'Local Policies Security Options' called:

    "User Account Control Behavior Of The Elevation Prompt For Administrators"

    If you have this set to "Prompt for credentials" then after you tell teamviewerQS to relaunch with admin credentials from your admin machine, UAC will then prompt the user on their machine to enter admin credentials as well.

    However if you set this to "Prompt for consent" then the user will simply get a "Yes" or "No" box instead.

    I hope this helps