How all Techs can see all computer added with Easy Access?

We have 3 techs and all three are admins. When we deploy a PC to an employee, the tech will create an Easy Access for that PC. All three techs need to be able to see it and perform remote support of those PCs. How do we do this?


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,369 Moderator

    Hi @Brianzx7 ,

    Thanks for your first post and for reaching out to our Community!

    We advise setting up Easy Access to all devices with a master account in the Company Profile and then sharing the groups of devices with all the users who need access to them.

    The account assignment will remain with the master account - so you can apply policies and manage all devices in a centralized way. The users who receive the group will be able to remotely connect to the devices being shared with them.

    I hope it helps! Let us know how it goes. 🙋‍♀️

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator