what is difference between "my managed devices" and "my computers"?

and how do I move a device from one group to another? Also, noq when I right-click on a device, I only see "description" field. On other devices, I get the teamviewer ID, alias, grouping, etc. How do I get a device to show all of the properties instead of just description?


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,763 Moderator

    Hello @mysticfree,

    Thank you for sharing your questions with us in the Community!

    Let me answer your post by breaking down the questions.

    👉The differences between My Computers and My managed devices

    • My Computers - to assign a name to a device for easier identification. All devices are stored in ordinary groups.
    • Managed Devices -  can be remotely managed and monitored within the Management Console. There are separate sections called device groups on TeamViewer Management Console.

    👉Move the device between groups

    Please sign in to TeamViewer Management Console, then select the device and choose the pencil for properties editing, under General, the group option is available from the drop-down selection.

    However, the devices can not be swapped between the group and the device group yet. We are sorry for the limitation here but hope I am able to help you to understand the devices with TeamViewer better.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Hello Ying_Q,

    It took a little searching but I found the image you referenced in "Groups" "All" tab on the left of the screen (for anyone reading this post). However, it didn't provide any additional features that aren't in Teamviewer desktop "My Computers". When I went into "Device Groups" "All", it showed my list that is in Teamviewer desktop "My Managed Devices" and only had "description" and "Name" as editable properties.

    What is very disappointing is that I could edit all properties of my managed devices when I first started using the business license of Teamviewer 5 years ago. Teamviewer's recent releases have messed things up. If you could let the powers-that-be know this, that would be help. Hopefully.

    Thank you for taking time to answer this,


  • Mach1
    Mach1 Posts: 1

    When I add a tablet now, it goes under managed devices. Before it would go under my computers and I could move it to a group of my choosing. Have we lost this feature?