Connecting to a windows server 2022 without an active Windows user

Hi community, I am wondering if you could help me out with an issue. I am struggling to connect to a machine which runs on windows server 2022 but works in the background with no active user. However, in teamviewer the machine will be shown as offline even though it is running and can be used for everything besides Teamviewer.
Best regards


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,290 Senior Moderator

    Hi @baegger,

    We're happy to read your first post in our Community and to assist you with the best practice for using TeamViewer on your Windows server!

    First, it is essential to know that with servers, TeamViewer creates two types of IDs - the Server ID and the User ID(s): Use TeamViewer (Classic) on Windows servers

    • The User IDs are tied to individual RDP/User sessions. With a User ID, access via that ID would not be possible when the RDP/User session is minimized or closed.
    • The Server ID is tied to the physical device. When connecting to the Server ID, you are brought to the device's login screen.

    Second, you can verify this when connected to the device in About TeamViewer, located in the tray menu. You should see both IDs listed.

    If this is the case, connect to the Server ID of the device instead. As long as the Server is online (not asleep, or at least wakes for network access), connections to this ID should be possible.

    We hope this explanation helps you! Feel free to come back to us anytime if needed.



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