problem of Teamviewer on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11
I'm not able to connect to Teamviewer on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11. Using 15.2.2756 full client.
- alreadey tried to upgrade versione
- agent is marked to migrate, but it isn't possible to migrate
Is this a problem of OS? it isn't possible to use anymore Teamviewer con Mac OS X El Captian v10.11
Hello @pilot1981
Welcome to our Community and thank you for your first post! 🌏️
Unfortunately, we are no longer actively servicing macOS 10.7 to 10.15. You can continue using the last supported version of TeamViewer on those operating systems, but we are no longer providing updates or fixes that are specific to them.
This would be why there are no updates are needed when you attempt to do so, and why you are unable to migrate, as a requirement for migration is to be on TeamViewer version 15.36 or above. More details on this can be found at the link below.Sunsetting active support of macOS 10.11 and macOS 10.12 — TeamViewer Support
As for the issue you are experiencing, I would suggest to perform a manual uninstallation of TeamViewer from the affected device, and then reinstall via one of the links in the article posted above. The instructions for the manual uninstallation are outlined in the next article posted below.Uninstall TeamViewer (Classic) on macOS
Once you have uninstalled, and then reinstalled, please be sure to be signed in and test.
However, if you are a free user, connections can no longer be made using MacOS 10.11 -10.13. More details on this can be found in the link below.New updates regarding the free usage of TeamViewer 15 — TeamViewer Support
Let us know how it goes and if you need further help. 👍️0