Need to help my 80 year old Dad on his iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air.

Hi, my Dad needs help once every couple of weeks with his Apple iPhone, ipad and macnbook air and he lives in another country.

Can I help him by setting up a a remote access session from my iPad via the free personal use license?

Thank you.


  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator

    Hi @Intrepid_Guru,

    Welcome to our Community! We are also thrilled to hear that you are supporting your dad.

    Regarding remote connections to iOS devices, please know that due to Apple's restrictions, only screen sharing is currently possible.

    We would suggest reviewing the Knowledge Base article posted below for more detailed information on this topic:

    For the connection to MacBook Air, firstly, we recommend checking the following article, which outlines various connection methods to find the one that best suits your needs: Get started with TeamViewer Remote.

    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them here again.

    Looking forward to hearing how this goes.



    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター