Get started with TeamViewer Remote

JeanK Posts: 7,025 Community Manager 🌍
edited September 26 in Announcements

Dear TeamViewer Community,

Starting October 2024, TeamViewer Free users who haven’t already upgraded will move to our new interface. This ensures they have access to the latest features and enhanced security.

Please note: For a limited time, you can switch back to the classic interface if needed.

Benefits of the new TeamViewer interface

  • Improved security: Connect with trusted end users through advanced connection transparency and user verification, providing peace of mind with every session.
  • Session links: Easily share a session link to connect, simplifying the process. Supporters will still be able to connect using the ID and password, which can be found on the home screen of the new interface.
  • Onboarding support: After switching to the new interface, we’ve included a helpful onboarding guide to help supporters get started quickly and efficiently.
  • For licensed supporters on the classic interface who connect to Free end users, rest assured that all existing connection methods will remain unchanged.

We encourage exploration of the new interface to enjoy the improved functionality it brings to every remote support experience.

Please also check the Get started with TeamViewer Remote guide and the TeamViewer Remote FAQ to learn more about the product.

Stay connected,


Community Manager


  • Clicking "More info" or Help gets me a white frame covering the desktop that I can't kill except by rebooting. Also times me out in seconds when finally allowing a connection, then calling it "Timed out" and giving a time of a minute from the current time when reconnection will be allowed, but isn't. My "Free" is now "Never"…Bye. There are alternatives.

  • ndj
    ndj Posts: 4

    There are thousands of us, your paid customers, who DISAGRE with you !!!

    Do you even listen to your customers or, similarly as Microsoft, having a bunch of young developers who does not give a dime, and pushing their agenda stubbornly?

    We ALL are telling you, the old interface is perfect for what we need it, we pay thousands dollars per year for licenses, we pay your salaries and keep your company alive, and you are back stubbing us?

    Ever heard "Go woke, get broke"…?

    You might think you are in command, but that will backfire, as we, your customers, WE DO NOT WANT THE NEW INTERFACE!!!

    If you still want to have the new interface, then at least there must be an option for users to switch to the old one, removing this option will turn off many of us to your competitor (who BTW, is already gaining pretty good grounds and new users' base, being cheaper for the same features you have)

  • ndj
    ndj Posts: 4

    Is there any senior leadership, or stakeholders with the TeamViewer who are reading these comments, and with the clear head to recognize the issue? Did you collect any intel over last period on how many people are immediately disabling the new interface and turning back to the classic (old) one?

    Why are you not listening to your customers?

  • Where did Wake on Lan go? Now it takes several more steps to get into my other computers. Bad idea from Teamviewer.

  • Please STOP changing the interface and UI. There is no benefit to you or your customers if you try and rework a UI that was proven to work. You are making things worse. Consistency in your UI is far more important because your software is a tool to achieve another task. No one wants to spend time searching for buttons and functions in your new UI because your Designers felt ambitious or wants to try out a new Design scheme. "Less is more" - do not play with the UI.
    The development Team should focus their efforts on improving core functionality, stability and stop playing with cosmetic things. Seasoned users are comfortable with the existing (old) interface and forcing everyone to relearn (or change buttons, styles…) is a mistake companies make when they start getting too big. Eventually someone else comes and deliveries "plain and simple" interfaces that get the job done. Don't let that happen to you. Paying customers are complaining and the amount of messages here is only the tip of the iceberg. Many will not bother to take the time to write lengthy comments, but the frustration will linger and grow.

  • Ivan1986
    Ivan1986 Posts: 1
    edited September 25

    As soon as I open TeamViewer on macOS in its classic UI - I am seeing exactly what I need to: a full list of remote computers which are online at the moment, split into groups some of which are shared within a team.

    It takes exactly from 1-3 seconds to find exact computer I need to connect to. Moreover, when I click on the computer on the right side I get Custom Device Information fields where I see stuff such as: RAM, OS version, CPU, **Third Party Product** ID and some other fields which are handy to get quick info about the PC.

    New interface on the other hand is just horrible. It takes the best from classic UI and just destroys all of it.

    If TeamViewer team wants us to manage TeamViewer account from the application itself - just add one additional menu under "Augmented Reality" tab on the left pane.

    Luckily **Third Party Product** have changed their interface for the better recently and is pretty much on pair now with Classic UI of TeamViewer, which is still clearly the best on macOS in my book.


    I am a paying customer since v8 (2012) !!!

    New UI is absolutely the worst thing that can happen to TeamViewer.

    Do not fool yourself guys. You are not the only company on the market today who provide good remote managing software. There are many alternatives to TeamViewer. Most of them are still not as convenient in terms of groups sharing between multiple admins, but already provide solid basic functionality.

    With new UI you are literally shooting yourself in the foot. In a big way.

  • John_Makepeace
    John_Makepeace Posts: 1
    edited September 25

    Don't improve upon perfection, what ain't broke you don't need to fix.

    There is nothing wrong with the classic version.

    I know this comment will never be read by developers.

  • I have been using TeamViewer on computers, both PC and Mac, for more than 10 years . I love it but am in agreement with the rest of the users here regarding being forced to use the "New" interface. It is very disappointing.

  • For free users, this is a terrible change. The interface used to be straightforward, but now it's overly complicated. Most remote software has a classic interface, and forcing users to adopt a new one will likely drive many away to other remote access solutions. From login to usage, the new interface is cumbersome and presents a significant challenge for many newcomers. TeamViewer's large user base was built on its classic interface, and it would be wise to allow free users the freedom to choose between the new and old designs, rather than imposing a mandatory switch.

  • A horrible decision, still very questionable. I try the new interface about every 2 month, as licensed user, and by chance today again.

    Almost immediately my device got CPU overloaded and the interface couldn't be dealt with. Imagine, at that very moment getting a severe fault in one of our customer systems. Anyway, risk on uncontrollable damage in our customer relation far to close; still advised in our organisation to stick to old, though awesome, interface. In the meantime looking around, no way such interface breaks our customer intimacy strategy. That bad? At the moment: undoubtedly yes.

    To be honest, UX is improving slightly compared to the very first version, which doesn't matter at all if the core issue isn't resolved soon.

  • fkg
    fkg Posts: 1

    At first I thought I was alone with my opinion about the new design.But as you can see, no one wants this junk.I would prefer to have the old design before the current one, that was best.Clarity, productivity, everything was there.If you are bored, then make the management platform better, adapt the notations to the licenses, improve the corporate edition, etc. But let us engineers have our layout, we don't want anything playful, please understand that. We just want to work quickly and productively.Thanks

  • Paying customer here. Tried the "new" interface for a few weeks, it does NOT get the job done. I cannot add my customer TV instances to my account because the customer might have their own account.

    - I'm still missing the "Connect to IP" feature in the new UI (sometimes used for backup / connections in secured environments).

    - There are no bookmarks (simple TV ID and Password without any connection to the other installation whatsoever, easy to edit, also possible to use local IP instead of TV ID)

    Please get back to the drawing board if you have to spend the money for a new UI. But actually, the current one (Legacy) is perfect!

  • Miragian
    Miragian Posts: 1
    edited September 27

    Just to add to this huge wall of people that are telling you… DO NOT MESS WITH THE UI. Neither my wife nor I want to have anything to do with the new UI and without a whole lot explaining I think most of your users are going to call **bleep** on the idea that the new UI is "more secure" its a UI. That should have no bearing on how secure the software is.

    Alternatively, given that this is "only for the free users" are you trying to force them to pay or change what software we're using.

    Seriously, reconsider this.

  • sfemet
    sfemet Posts: 1

    In the name of my 97 year old father, who relies on my remote assistance from 250 miles away, please do not do this.

    I have tried the new interface. It is not an improvement, it does not make things easier. Your greatest strength has been the simplicity of the interface and the ease of use. I only have to manage one user, I can only image the chaos using the new interface to manage multiple users.

    Thank you.

  • As someone who has been using TeamViewer since version 4 I've only seen it bloat in the name of progress more and more - early on the changes were warranted and appreciated (new OS support etc) but I haven't seen anything new that's tangibly useful for a long time. Early on new features were added to justify people upgrading to the newer version. Now that it's a subscription system one would think you wouldn't need to do this. Consider KISS - Keep it Simple Silly - it would be a Stupid move to force everyone onto a new interface that no one seems to like (Is there anyone out there that actually has used the product for more than a couple of years actually like the new interface?). How about just focusing on improving performance and usability. We have a couple of thousand computers in our account and the load time is bad enough on the old interface but crazy slow on the new interface. On the old interface once it loads (admittedly it does take a while to get the list loaded first up) it is almost instant to search for computers or groups of computers - the new one is laggy after it has completed loading. When / if you force the new interface onto paying customers you will end up losing a large number of them…

  • The new interface I initially found incomprehensable!!!

    Set up by Wiz-Kid programmers with no understanding of what has been well designed, developed and used for years.

    Much the same as for Microsoft and all the complaints of many users moving from Win 10 to Win 11!

    Putting new and necessary security and other advanced features into an interface designed by programmers with no experience of usability and intuitive understanding based on few years of programming experience, with no thinking of their loyal user-base is appalling!

    Are these wiz-kid programmers only capable of thinking in binary or hexidecimal with no understanding of program interface logic or ergonomics!

  • Hi, I do not like the new interface either. Hard to get around and get things done, which were so easy in the old interface. Do not try to fix something that is NOT broken. Support for customers is difficult with this new interface as all kinds of weird setups do not fit the use of TeamViewer in our case. For systems inside an organization it's fine but with all pc's i connect outside of our organization this new interface and way of working just does not work. Maybe better explanations could help.

  • Zaphire
    Zaphire Posts: 3
    edited September 27

    I notice, JeanK Posts: 7,025 Community Manager 🌍

    Has made no responses to any of the valid critisism above since originating this posting on September 3!

    The line "We encourage exploration of the new interface to enjoy the improved functionality it brings to every remote support experience." is just spin after one reads the above comments!

    I do wonder, like I do with Microsoft Windows, actually how many of th PR, employees and programmers would actually qualify as 'Power Users'?

    It would be interesting to know how many 'Power Users' of TeamViewer are actually using the new interface since it was introduced?

    I am retired at an age of 75 having been lucky to encounter PC's in 1983 and support many friends and colleagues who are also now of a similar age.

    To be confounded by the difficulties of new technology in computers and phones, let alone difficult software interfaces as well as scams, hacking fears and password authentication complexities! Many will unfortunately just give up!

  • TerraInc
    TerraInc Posts: 1
    edited September 27

    I`ve tried the new interface for some time and I don't understand neither the design nor the new functionalities.

    There's quite a lot of changes at once and , honestly, I have neither the time, nor the will, no the power to adapt to these changes. What I (we, as we`re a company) want and need is a reliable and trustworthy product. Something that enables us to do our work. What we don't need is the need to mess around with "improved" Teamviewer our being forced out of our routine by experimental interface **bleep**.

  • Hans_Gunnarsson
    Hans_Gunnarsson Posts: 1
    edited September 27

    Stop changing the GUI:t. I have been using this software since version 2 (2007) in my environment and am paid. The changes to the user interface have been consistently cash, and they seem like you're groping in the dark to find new ideas every time. It may be more advanced and sophisticated, but what's the point when you drive your customers to the competition? There are many who make the same software as you. Skip the new interface. This is **bleep**!

  • Please leave the GUI alone. It has worked GREAT for many years. Also, does anyone from TV corp. actually read these comments? It would seem by the major flack they would reverse this decision or at least allow the classic interface as well. I guess it is the way companies are now.. they don't seem to really care anymore.

  • tosch
    tosch Posts: 2

    Luckily we choose alternative a few years ago, at the moment we're using half/half, teamviewer descending, so it will be not painful to loose it completely. Using TV for decades, also paid, but they performed poorly, giving nothing on reviews and feedback from business customers. no idea who runs the development group, maybe one of the teletubbies, this would explain the new GUI which is simply horrible