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  • I am a paying customer with corporate license. I prefer the Previous (Legacy) UI over the New one, which is missing functionality that I want.

    Practically ALL comments under this announcement are negative for the new UI.

    So, the question is “Why do you ignore your customer’s opinion ?” I thought companies were getting user’s feedback to make their product better for them.

  • AS the IT manager for a company with a paid subscription to TeamViewer. removing the classic interface will be a dealbreaker for us.
    there are several free or cheaper alternatives. our procedure documentation that our lower level users follow to perform their work.
    If we have to rewrite our documentation because of the interface change, we're going to cut costs in the process.

    The new interface is not appealing to your paid subscribers as the comments here clearly show. This would be an epically bad move and clearly will result in lost revenue as paid subscribers move to other, cheaper and more familiar alternatives.

  • HajoBolle
    HajoBolle Posts: 12
    edited September 30

    I also want to support all the others, having paid [Removed as per Community Guidelines] € in May (Corporate Subscription) that I DISLIKE the new interface and do not want to use it.


  • Well, it has allready been said; But as a long time (+10 years) paying costumer I also find the new interface really annoing! Its ugly, and I have totally missed my overview…

    I have clients running on old OS, and since introduction of new interface, I can not manage my clints device from one place anymore….

    And honestly I hate the use of 'Session code' over classic 'Partner ID'.

    I would LOVE to see the old interface again! I have yet to see a comment from a costumer who actually like the new interface that we all are forced to use now!

    Greetings, :-) Mads

  • Tom_P100
    Tom_P100 Posts: 1
    edited September 30

    I Love TV, however have tried new interface (Free User) numerous times…….WAY to difficult / confusing. Always revert to Classic. If forced to use new will look for another RA program.

  • I also most like the old interface, it was the same when MSoffice change menues from foldouts to visible

  • New interface was created only for pure sake of changes. But those changes waren't good at all.

    Let's point out "improvements of new interface:

    1. ew interface = improved security - nonsence - how it is possible?
    2. Session links are also connected with new inteface? stupidity
    3. Onboarding support? - it is not needed if software is naturally easy and clear to use
    4. Switch to classic (best and natural) interface will remain unchanged for paying users - thank god that it will be possible. BUt for free end users new inteface will be decision to move to alternative software in fact.

    What we've got here - it's failure to communicate .

    And come on TEAMVIEWER!

    Start listen to the voice of customers.

  • Nik95
    Nik95 Posts: 1

    i think the biggest weakspot of the new look is, u can't safe passwords for added mashines.

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 905 Senior Moderator

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you so much for your valuable feedback regarding TeamViewer Remote. I want to assure you that all feedback is received and heard.

    Regarding a few topics:

    Wake-on-LAN: Usage of this feature requires a license, and as such, it is not possible to be used in the free version. Please find more information here. For licensed users, steps can be found in our knowledgebase.

    Lan-only connections (Connect to IP): It is still possible to connect to IP Addresses via TeamViewer Remote; please find more info here.

    As always, thank you again for your feedback and suggestions; I hope you all have a great week ahead!



    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • Milonguero
    Milonguero Posts: 1
    edited September 30

    I agree with all the comments regarding how terrible the new interface is. I want to remind everyone that there are alternatives. [removed per Community Guidelines]


  • As many of you I agree that this is not a good "upgrade". It's actually destroing my workflow with the customers. So there have to be another solution. We can all Google it so don't have to get this "removed per"-line here.

    Good luck everyone :-)

  • Antur4711
    Antur4711 Posts: 1

    Might this be an attempt to get rid of those annoying free users?

  • diginfor
    diginfor Posts: 1

    Support for customers is difficult with this new interface for systems inside an organization it's fine but with all pc's i connect outside of our organization this new interface and way of working just does not work

    If this is going through, which it probably will, we start looking out for alternatives. Stop this decision please, i haven't spoken anyone who likes the new ui.

  • WHY? why always change a product, if its perfect to use ? Bordom ? New Management ?

  • Please use an English to German translation - that might work but maybe not…..

    The whole world hates your new interface - I could go on about the many ways Teamviewer corp is failing and about to be abandoned by dedicated customers.

    Auf Wiedersehen

  • I have no problem with the aesthetics of the new interface. The design is aligned to current trends and fits with the visual style of Windows 11 and modern computing world. BUT: I wish TeamViewer must fix first the Microsoft Edge WebView issues of the white New UI before removing free access to the blue Classic UI. That's because killing Edge WebView processes on Task Manager means interrupting your TeamViewer experience. Or else switch to other engines aside from Edge. TeamViewer Classic has been running without depending on CPU-hungry engines, thus why not use alternatives that don't need to eat lots of RAM and CPU. The real culprit here is not the TeamViewer New UI itself, but rather its dependence on continuously high CPU-consuming Microsoft Edge. Putting Edge always-on while using TeamViewer slows down other opened apps as well, and even increases electric bills. That may affect also the compatibility with older computers. I can only embrace the new version if CPU usage gets very very low.

  • ITpodporaZS
    ITpodporaZS Posts: 1
    edited October 2

    I tried the new environment and quickly switched to the original one.

    Is that supposed to be an upgrade????? Horror and horror. Which donkey🐗 approved this???

    Shame, thrice shame.


  • Hello. We have v13. You forced auto update for clients which have setup policy - disable option for auto updating. What we should do?

  • MadPad
    MadPad Posts: 2

    The moment we can't use the old interface anymore, is the moment we will cancel our subscription permanently.

    Teamviewer gets worse every year and also more expensive every year.

    The only reason why you want to move the customers to the new interface, is because ALL Hosts will be counted against the hosts limit, no matter if they were manged before. So you can sell more expensive licences.

    Really bad company.

  • Although I love the idea of enhanced security, I do not feel that people should be forced into the new interface. This is especially a concern for more elderly users trying to get support from friends or family when an issue comes up. For me personally, I am not able to drive (long story), so it would be more difficult to give my 86 year old grandmother support when she needs it, and I cannot realistically expect people to drive me each time it's needed. This is one of my primary uses of TeamViewer. A lot of the people here are exhibiting negative feelings toward this update, and I can understand the concerns. Especially with changing the interface. I realize the old interface is just for the transition period, but if there's nothing wrong with the old one, I see no reason why it cannot be allowed to stay.

  • NWC_PS
    NWC_PS Posts: 1

    Your new GUI is the worst in terms of productivity. Please stop forcing our customers and us to it!!

  • I agree,

    Leave the Classic interface alone! It is much easier and intuitive to use!

  • SimonG01
    SimonG01 Posts: 4

    You say this but you still intend on switching us over. Why? This is what you STILL have yet to explain, especially when people don't want that. Is it try and get us to buy licenses?

    I can't buy them. I use TV for remotely controlling the computers of a hospital radio station (Jubilee Hospital Radio, if I am allowed to say). We are a very small station and completely self funded through donations., we are non commercial. Our broadcast licenses and running costs take all our money, we have none to spare for a TV licence. As such we are non profit which qualifies us to have a free licence. Ill be honest I can't seem to find a free alternative but if this interface changes, I may have to stop using TV. Please change this pointless idea of forcing us to use the new interface.

    Thank you.

  • I have been a TV subscriber since V6. The classic interface works. I have work to do and need to solve my clients issues.

    The new interface is slow and buggy. PLEASE stop changing what works fine.

    Note to the developers: Do you even use TeamViewer to help people or are you just changing it to justify your job?

    PLEASE leave it alone. It works. I am a paid subscriber. This is my living.

    One last thing. Please stop the pop-ups when it's opened. Very distracting.

  • The_Diver
    The_Diver Posts: 1
    edited October 7

    Why are you changing TV to a lesser product ?

    The new interface is slow and buggy.

    PLEASE stop changing what works fine.

    I have tried the "new look", it make no sense to me.

  • Djek
    Djek Posts: 2
    edited October 9

    The new userinterface **bleep**
    Im a paying customer, but also received a notice that the "Price went up" due to blablablabla…
    Stop doing this and listen to your customers. They pay your salary, not the woke-web-inovators (destroyers)

  • FBN
    FBN Posts: 3

    the new interface does not really work with more than one monitors, the switching between is more than awful and often it happens that one screen ist falling out of the Teamviewer-Interface. Than its getting worse.

    The old GUI has all monitors on the upper bar and clicking on them means switching and it does this. With the new one, you have to toggle the screens via a menu which has a lot of options, noone really needs, so that you don't find the needed point.

    The new GUI is for older people with gigantic monitors and letters, other people will say, unneeded space consumption.

    And yes, we are paying custumers and don't need this new interface on our production machines.

  • radwoc
    radwoc Posts: 1

    Whoever is in charge of this boat. Please listen to us! Do not force us to change the UI.
    The old UI is simple and clear. Most of us are professionals who use tons of different advanced tools.
    Let TeamViewer stay as simple and clear as the old UI.
    Add "all the benefits of the new TeamViewer interface" to the old UI if you have to.
    But let us choose. Simple.

  • ppjam
    ppjam Posts: 1

    I had switched to TeamViewer several months ago, after a new computer, and being disappointed in a competing, free, product.

    Now, since October, it won't work for me at all. Whether CLassic, or NEW Interface, it logs me out in about 8 seconds, and tells me I have to wait about an hour to log back in - for another 8 seconds.

    Ridiculous! Just bring back the old system - so much netter than this.

  • goosar19
    goosar19 Posts: 1

    Don't you see, they don't care about the free users, that's not where there money comes from. Have a look around the new interface and check out their pricing and it becomes apparent that this is just another cash grab. Free users as well as the plebian paid accounts are limited to 3 managed devices. This simply will not work for me as I have 4 devices OF MY OWN that I have TeamViewer installed on, and that does not include my siblings, parents, and friends that I have installed TeamViewer on to help them remotely. They are trying to push more and more people into buying it. More signs this is just another cash grab brought about by corporate greed is the fact that adding a mere 3 additional users to the plebian paid plan is just pennies away from the cost of the next tier allowing a near 100x multiple of managed devices? And why would they charge as much to connect to 6 users as 200 (in addition to the list of other benefits), greed.

    Free user or not, I have been in support of TeamViewer since the early days and have on multiple occasions offered to give them money in support, or suggested creating a "Personal" license that could be purchased, but they declined (this is likely because if they created a "Personal" license, business accounts would choose to purchase that one instead and they would lose out on sales, leading back to greed).

    TeamViewer is a corporation like any other that are beholden to the shareholders. If you believe for a minute that they care about the free-user (leeches) that suck their resources with no benefit other than expanding the user base to increase market share, data collection, and word of mouth, then you are sorely mistaken. While these things do offer a benefit to corporations, the recent actions lead me to believe they now have enough market share to believe they can start bullying more people into paying, or into paying for more expensive subscriptions. Limiting functionality such as being seen here is one clear sign that this is the case.

    If they do truly care about all of their users (and not just the paying ones), then this feedback will be heeded and the decision will be reversed. If this all boils down to money, then nothing will change, and free users will be told to pound sand if they don't like it, which is exactly what I will do. I will find a competitor, switch all of mine, my family's, and my friend's computers over, and turn my interests elsewhere, taking my portion of the market share with me, along with all of the word of mouth I have spread, not to mention the loss of whatever data collection you are performing.

    Take heed of the outcry of the masses or you will be sure to lose loyal supporters.