Cannot connect to any computer using Windows client

Hello, I am using the free version, and have had no problems in the past.

Recently, I cannot connect to any pc using the windows client, but I can when using the web interface and the mobile app.

The devices clearly show as online, but the connect button is greyed out, and says "You can't connect to this device because it is offline" when you hover the mouse ove it.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and tried going back to the classic app, but nothing works.

Is there a fix?

Thanks, Danny.

Best Answer

  • DannyF1tz
    DannyF1tz Posts: 2
    Answer ✓

    I am using the latest version of windows 11, and Teamviewer version is 15.62.4

    It has all started working now somehow.

    I messed around and did some kind of migration setup and its working now, thank you.
