TeamViewer doesn't work. After launching it loads endlessly. The latest version 15.62.4 (x64) is installed. Has anyone encountered this? Is there a solution? Thanks in advance for your answers.
Hi everyone.
I had the same issue however was able to work it out.
In my instance I found the issue to be related to the Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime as my Antivirus program was preventing the Edge Browser from running (this was intentional on my part). Once I reenabled Edge, or at least the Webview2 component, it worked fine for me.
TeamViewer team, could you please look at reprogramming this so that it does not rely on the Edge Webview2 to function. Not all of us use Microsoft's browser let alone want it installed on our systems.
Hey @A_Lex, it's my pleasure to help! 😄 Thanks for your understanding, and for trying different steps!
I did some additional investigation, and there's a possibility that the issue is related to WebViewer2. Starting with version 15.9, TeamViewer supports the Microsoft Edge WebView2 technology for the IoT Devices, and the slowdown to start TeamViewer could be related to an older version of Edge.
Please make sure your Microsoft Edge WebView2 is up to date, you can also uninstall Edge and download/install it again from their website:
📌Note: We would advise restarting the device after it, then try to open TeamViewer again.
Let us know if it was the root cause of the problem. 🍀🤞🏻 Best, Carol
Hello again, @.Carol.fg.
I asked you questions about the old version of TeamViewer, but in the evening I wanted to connect to a remote computer (unfortunately, I had not yet read your last answer) and then it started...
At first they told me that I had an old version, then they suggested updating the program to version 15.2.2756
Then again a message that I have an old version of the program and an offer to find out how to update it.
So, I updated the program manually and everything seemed to work.
When I tried to connect to a remote computer, I first had to log into my account, and then a window appeared asking me to switch to a new interface.
Unfortunately, I clicked the "Connect Now" button and everything went back to where my post started: endless loading.
I ended up deleting TeamViewer, reinstalling the old version, running two updates again, and finally (when it prompts me to switch to the new interface) clicking "Switch later". I was finally able to connect to the remote computer!
But my odyssey didn't end there! I connected to my second PC, where I also had to go through all the procedures with installing the old version and updates to make sure everything worked. After turning off and restarting TeamViewer to connect to the remote computer of the person who needed my help, the program again did not start. Again, endless loading. This happened because TeamViewer automatically switched to a new interface (there is a warning about this in the message on the last screenshot).
So, I was right: the problem is in the latest version of TeamViewer, or more precisely, in the new user interface. Now that the reason is known, I hope that you will help me to sort out this problem. For me, TeamViewer is the best program that allows me to help my parents remotely when they have problems with their computer and I have been using it for about 10 years. And now I either have to look for another program or deal with this devilry of installing the old version and updating every time.
Thank you in advance for your answer and I really hope that you will help me sort this out.
P.S.: Sorry for such a long message, but I wanted to show the whole situation so that everything is clear.
And please clarify what you meant by these words "I would need your collaboration to test the web app to help figure out the issue you're facing on the TeamViewer client". Unfortunately, I don't speak English well, so I use Google Translate in the browser. That's why sometimes there are so-called "translation difficulties". Do you want to connect to my PC or did you suggest that I try using the TeamViewer web app?
Same issues with my PC too, yesterday it was working fine
now it won't. This **bleep**. Ive tried uninstall and re-install like 4 times now
Hi @MrT4073, hi @YashvirGaming,
Welcome to the TeamViewer Community! 🙂
Sometimes, there's something wrong with the registry, and a regular uninstallation doesn't fix the issue.
I'd recommend:
Let me know if this has worked for you!
Not a question - trying to help other who have spent hours trying to figure out why Edge Webview2 is hogging CPU and trying to disable it.
I remotely logged into my relatives low power windows 10 laptop to find why it was very unresponsive.
It turns out that it was TeamVierers use of Edge WebView2 by default that was causing th issue.
A big thanks to @glenvee who gives the answer here:
The new Teamviewer UI uses Microsoft Edge WebView2, which comes as part of Edge, although it can be installed separately without Edge as far as I know. In Teamviewer Options> Advanced, all the way at the bottom is a heading "IoT Options" which has a checkbox for "Use Microsoft Edge WebView2 for Remote AppControl"
(I am using the classic interface)
Edge WebView2 unchecked at
Settings/Advanced Settings/(open advanced Settings)
Unchecked Use Webview2 at bottom (IoT options)
Laptop responsiveness is now perfect for the uses the computer is used for.
I am really not impressed that TeamViewer wasted so many hours of my life.
No response.
Further Query
Is it possible that Teamviewer was automatically updated to the new interface? If Yes, how can I prevent this in future?
In any case, somehow the computer with this Webview2 issue was updated to the new version (which is working fine on my desktop) was updated to the new version. Even with Webview2 turned off Teamviewer was still using WebView2 and hogging CPU resource.
I switched back to the classic interface and the problem stopped. I am concerned that if any auto update occies I will be back to to the same problem.
Advice please.
I also found out that you can't delete or rename the EXE file for Edge Web View while Windows and TeamViewer is running. The EXE also keeps restrating everytime you kill the task. I tried to shutdown WIndows and access the Windows-installed system drive on another PC without booting that so I can rename or delete the Web View EXE file without any resistance. Or instead of shutting Windows OS, kill first the TeamViewer EXE files repeatedly on Task Manager until it disappears. Unfortunately TeamViewer got stuck to Starting Teamviewer message after re-booting Windows, thus making it non-functional without the CPU-hungry Microsoft Edge software. Even without TeamViewer, running other programs relying on Edge Web View also degrades your computer performance.
After the December 2024 update of Windows version 24H2, TeamViewer started to shut down spontaneously and completely. The TeamViewer service continues to work, but the programme is not saved in the tray.
Since the end of January 2025, the programme shuts down immediately after startup and cannot be used. Reinstalling TeamViewer and cleaning all files and registry does not help. Disabling antivirus does not help either. Reinstalling WebView2 helped for a while, but TeamViewer crashes again. Sometimes it works for a while when switching to a new design, then crashes again. The logs show ‘Error! TeamViewer terminated unexpectedly!’. Sometimes the programme starts and works for a while after launching ‘crashpad_handler.exe’ before it, but crashes again after a few launches.
Now it runs in compatibility mode with Windows 7, but this is obviously a temporary and unreliable solution.
Is there any reliable solution to this TeamViewer and Windows 24H2 compatibility problem?
Hey @A_Lex , Welcome to our Community and thanks for your first post!
Connection issues can be caused by many different reasons. We will need to get more information and maybe test different things.
Can you confirm to us that both sides are on the latest version (15.62.4) with the newest UI? Also, could share with us what is the OS on both sides?
I'm looking forward to your reply! Best, Carol
Hey @.Carol.fg.
Thank you for answering my question!
This is a screenshot from the Programs and Features section. As you can see, the program was installed yesterday. My OS is Windows 10. The other side also has the latest version of TeamViewer and Windows 10, but at the moment it doesn't matter, because the problem is not that I can't connect to the other side. The problem is that TeamViewer doesn't start at all on my PC, but just opens a window with an endless loading (this window can be seen in the screenshot in my post).
TeamViewer is not blocked by my Avast antivirus (there are no TeamViewer files in Quarantine). Running the program as Administrator also doesn't do anything.
Hi @A_Lex , Thanks a lot for the additional details and screenshot provided!
Based on the language on the app, the issue may be the region where the device is… Could you confirm to us the location of the devices? For further context, please check: Stop working Ukraine Zaporizhzhia and TeamViewer ending support server services for certain outdated software versions in Russia/Belarus
If the device is not in an affected region, please try checking if the connection issue is being caused by a firewall (TeamViewer Ports) or IPv6 ( Fix connectivity issues - Partner did not connect to router )
Let us know how it goes. 🍀 Best, Carol
Привет @.Carol.fg.
Thanks for trying to help me.
I was expecting a question about the location after I posted a screenshot with the program version. My location is Ukraine, Kyiv. More precisely, a suburb of Kyiv.
Unfortunately, I am not an expert in OS settings and do not know where to look for these ports, but I can say for sure that TeamViewer is allowed in the firewall (see screenshot).
The most interesting thing in this whole situation is that several months ago I used TeamViewer without problems. No changes in the modem, no changes (reinstallations) in the OS after that.
I have not used TeamViewerr for the last few months, but one of my programs (IObit Uninstaller) automatically updated TeamViewer when new versions appeared and it always worked. And yesterday, when I tried to launch TeamViewer, it simply did not start. So I deleted the TeamViewer program and installed the latest version downloaded from the official website where we are now chatting. But it still does not start.
If you need more precise information with screenshots, then please tell me right away where exactly to look for the necessary information in the OS.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
It's my pleasure to help @A_Lex 😄 Thanks for all the additional details!
Before we move on to detailed steps and further troubleshooting, I would like to know if is just the TeamViewer software that is with the issue or if you get same error with the web app… Could you tell me if you can open the TeamViewer web app and connect from there?
I'm looking forward to hearing back from you. Best, Carol
Hi, @.Carol.fg.
I haven't tested TeamViewer web app just because I'm sure that this method will work 100%.
I decided to go another way. I just installed the previous version of TeamViewer (13.x) and everything works without problems. TeamViewer starts right away.
Before that I installed the latest version of TeamViewer (15.62.4) on my second home PC and it doesn't work there either, although it worked without problems before! Do you remember I said that I hadn't used TeamViewer for several months, but the IObit Uninstaller program automatically updated TeamViewer when new versions appeared?
So the problem is in the latest version of TeamViewer (15.62.4) and now I would like to know what it is connected with. Also please tell me if I can continue using the old version of TeamViewer and for how long I can use it.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hoping to get some help. I pay for the team viewer subscription but since the new update my program won’t load/open! It is stuck at the starting team viewer… screen. (Picture below). I have tried restarted the computer, restarting the program completely (ending task in task manager) and I even uninstalled and reinstalled and still nothing. Help would be greatly appreciated as I use teamviewer everyday and it’s been a pain without it the last 2 days!!! Thank you
Hi @A_Lex, Thanks again for all the detailed information! We really appreciate the time you took to write to us!
The TeamViewer (Classic) UI/user interface (the one in your screenshots) is no longer supported for free/personal use. TeamViewer (Classic) is currently only working with paid licenses.
The TeamViewer Remote new UI/user interface is the only interface that is currently supported for free/personal use:
You mentioned that TeamViewer Remote (software/full client) is not working. Therefore, I asked you to test the web app so we could compare the issue - to check if it would behave with the same issue as the software. This information could help with troubleshooting, but you would need to give it a try.
I hope this message can clarify any possible misunderstandings.😄🍀 Let me know if you have further questions. Best, Carol
Thanks for the quick response! I checked the connection to my second PC via the TeamViewer web app and everything works.
Now please explain how to understand your words "TeamViewer (Classic) currently only works with paid licenses"? After all, before closing the program (and the subsequent automatic switch to the new interface, after which the program no longer starts) everything works fine. This was checked the first time, which I talked about in the previous message.
And this has been checked right now, because the latest version is installed on the second PC (in the same way with updating the old version 13.x) and it is to this one that I connected via the web application.
Please note that there is not even an account login (although there is an account, I just didn’t have time to log into it).
It turns out that the TeamViewer (Classic) interface works fine in the free version, but until the first restart of the program.
But okay. That's not the point. I did what you asked. I tested the web app and it works.
I hope this will help you to eliminate all unnecessary variants of the problem and find the true cause.
Thank you again for taking the time to help me solve my problem.
Hi @A_Lex, Thanks a lot for testing it!
Let me start with some clarification about the interface topic. We call the old interface TeamViewer (Classic):
This interface no longer works for free/personal use. Another change is that to start a remote connection, the user must log in with their account. (The device that receives the connection doesn't need a logged-in account.) When a user purchases a license, the license is linked to their account. Therefore, some paid accounts can still use the old interface of TeamViewer (Classic) due to their purchase contracts. However, all free accounts must be using the new interface of TeamViewer Remote on both sides of the connection - there's no workaround.
The fact that web app is working for you is good news!
To fix the loading issue, let's try the following first:
Is the remote side near you? That device also needs to be using TeamViewer Remote new UI… 💡Hint: If the device is far away, you could use the web app to remotely update the device.
I'm looking forward to your reply! 😄 Best, Carol
Hello, @.Carol.fg.
I performed an advanced uninstall as per the instructions on the website. Unfortunately, it didn't help. The same endless loading.
I usually uninstall applications using IObit Uninstaller and then check the registry using CCleaner. Today I did everything exactly as instructed (uninstalling via Programs and Features, then cleaning the registry via Run ---> regedit and rebooting the PC). Absolutely nothing changed.
Next, I will provide you with information that may be useful to some of the developers in the future. I repeated the entire procedure with installing and uninstalling TeamViewer according to the instructions, but before rebooting the PC I checked the registry using CCleaner and an error was found:
Using CCleaner fixed it, then I restarted the PC, reinstalled TeamViewer and still no change. TeamViewer not working.
I also want to show what is displayed in the Task Manager during endless loading.
Sorry for the big screenshots, but I wanted to show that this was done while TeamViewer was loading endlessly.
Well, that's all the information for now. I hope this will help you find new options to fix the problem.
And thank you again for taking the time to help.
Good luck and peaceful skies!
Hi @A_Lex, Thanks for all the details provided and for doing this inicial test! We will need to try a few more things then… Let's check if it's being caused by IPv6:
Unfortunately, this method also did not produce results.
Thank you for still staying in touch and helping to solve this problem. Maybe we can find another way. I believe in you!
Finally you managed to help me find the cause! I am very grateful to you for your help and the time you spent.
Now I will have to say goodbye to TeamViewer because of its use of Microsoft Edge WebView2. The thing is that I deleted Microsoft Edge and everything related to this junk, blocked it once and for all. Unfortunately, WebView2 was also cleaned up and can no longer be returned. Only reinstalling the OS can return everything to its place.
But is 1 program (in this case we are talking about TeamViewer) worth reinstalling the OS? I think not. Someday, if I have to reinstall the OS, I will return to using TeamViewer, but now I will just install a similar program and finally be able to connect to the PCs of those people who really need help.
Sorry that you had to spend so much time helping.
I hope that if you have to help someone with the same problem as me, then knowing about the situation with Microsoft Edge WebView2 you will be able to solve this issue faster. After all, many Windows users delete the Microsoft Edge browser and its associated components. I just got too carried away and deleted the WebView2 environment.
Thanks again for your help. Good luck and peaceful skies!
@DanoWilko thanks a lot for your finding.
I'll connect with the responsible team and discuss this further!
I have the same issue, since yesterday!
This now is a question.
Even after unchecking Edge WebView2, after a restart it is still being used by TeamViewer - though with much less CPU resource.
What can I do to prevent the use of Edge Webview2?
Hi @A_Lex, Thanks for your reply and for the information provided.
Old versions of TeamViewer can only be used with a TeamViewer license - commercial use. You can install the software, but remote connections are not allowed on older versions without a license. Do you have a paid license (perpetual or subscription)? If yes, we would highly advise contacting our support team directly for help:
If you're using TeamViewer for personal use, please know that free users must use the newest version of TeamViewer available for the compatible OS on the new UI (TeamViewer Remote UI) via client or web app.
The latest announcements regarding changes to the free license can be found here:
I would need your collaboration to test the web app to help figure out the issue you're facing on the TeamViewer client. We appreciate your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience. Best, Carol