Teamviewer from Raspberry to pc
Hello, I installed ubuntu-mate on raspberry and then the teamviewer armv7 32bit armv7 32bit for raspberry.
I can connect from PC to raspberry but I also would like to be able to connect me to PC from raspberry, is it possible?
Best Answer
Hi, I downloaded this:
""thanks for your reply
(I also installed vnc, and i use this one)5
Hi, As far as I know of course you can control your PC using your raspberry... you just need to write your PC's Teamviewer-ID in Rapberry Teamviewer program..... the opposite job of you've done.
May I ask you which version of Teamviewer did you download for ubuntu mate armv7? I tried to install the 32 bit for UBUNTU, DEBIAN but it did not work on my raspberry pi3
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Hi, I downloaded this:
""thanks for your reply
(I also installed vnc, and i use this one)5 -
Hi, sorry unfortunately I misunderstood your question (with teamviewer host you can only receive connections)
Anyway... about VNC good choice! I am going to use it too because last time treamviewer did not want to work (protocol error or unknown error etc)
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Hello, I too is happening the same, if I want to connect from the Raspberry Pi 3 + to the Pc I can not.
The software says protocol error and does not work.
Any idea how to connect with TeamViewer from the raspberry to PC?
With VNC I already do, but I want to connect to another different PC. With VNC I am already connected to PC 1 and I would like to connect to the PC2 with TeamViewer.
Thanks and greetings0 -
Sorry, since English is not my first language I did not get exactly what you mean....
I do suggest you to use VNC which is simple and easier that Teamviewer... I have never had any problem using it.
Just remember that if you want to connect one device to another one you should use VNC viewer on the device you want to connect from and VNC server on the device you want to connect to.
Unfortunately I got rid of teamviewer because I was gatting crazy with those uncountable "protocol" errors.
Sincr I've been using VNC everything is fine
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Thanks for answering, English is also not my native language, (I am Spanish). I know that with VNC I can do the same but not with two computers at once. So I wanted to control from the raspberry a computer with VNC and another computer with TeamViewer.
I hope I explained better and thank you for your answers.
Gracias por responder, el ingles tampoco es mi idioma nativo, (soy español). Yo sé que con VNC puedo hacer lo mismo pero no con dos ordenadores a la vez. Por eso quería controlar desde la raspberry un ordenador con VNC y otro ordenador con el teamviewer.
Espero haberme explicado mejor y gracias por sus respuestas.
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You're welcome. Actually I am sorry for not being experienced enough to help you. I appreciate your spanish but unfortunately I am Italian.. so I am not able to understand. Anyway, back to the main topic, I am pretty sure that what you need can be done by using VNC. I have been using it for 6 months and it is possible to get connected with one PC ( let's call it PC1), minimize the window and get connected with another PC (PC2 for instance)...without loosing what you were doing on your PC1... The free version of VNC allows you to create a team (by enabling the cloud connection) in which you can manage up to five PCs.... In addition VNC permits one device or PC to receive the connection request from two different devices at once! (so cool).... Everything I have said might be done by Teamviewer but I don't know honeslty.... In the worst scenario you can email the Teamviewer costomer service ... they should be able to help you. Good luck!
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Thanks again for answering, it has been a great help!
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I'm happy to hear that... Have you solved?0