Authentication rejected on remote computer



  • Same problem for me. I tried to connect to two computers at my work place. I've never had a problem until about 7 minutes ago (the time it took me to read through  this thread). I've just tried however again, I'm able once again to remove to both PCs.

    Can anyone plase explain how you restart a computer without having teamviewer access?

  • @michellepace wrote:

    Can anyone plase explain how you restart a computer without having teamviewer access?

    If you have access to it on a network or over a VPN you can use the following command:

    shutdown -m \\COMPUTERNAME /r

    Where COMPUTERNAME is the name of the computer you want to reboot.

  • TulioB
    TulioB Posts: 1

    I am having this same problem. Only solves when i restart Team Viewer on the target computer, but to do this a need to get there physically, 20km from where i live, so frustrating... Any solution on this?

  • Hmm not working for me   i have dozen computers that after winf=dows 10 update 2004   teamviewer is rejecting authentication ! restarted multiple time  ,nothing,  replaced assword locally  and still wont allow connection. Pc is also setup as easy access on account. If i manually restart pc   i get a window of about 45 seconds to connect   then  rejects. I can start tuping passord in remote windows  and if i dont complete in time it kicks me out  and now rejects.

  • Same problem here, can't connect to my computer for a few consecutive days. What do I do? A cron task that reboots it every day?

  • Thanks a lot, that solved the problem for me … 7 years later in 2024! ;-)
    ⇒ Options - Power (Energy) - Screen blank: Never

    System: Ubuntu
    Hardware: Laptop (server)

    What I have discovered: After inactivity (= screen blank: x min) the computer gets LOCKED, forcing the user to login again. I don't know why Ubuntu does that because "Screen blank" should only be an energy saving option without having to login. But unfortunately Ubuntu locks the system & user. And now Teamviewer (TV) is not able to login again and unlock the system (user password?) …

    That is at least the reason of my "Authentication rejected". And it does explain why restarting the system does help in most of the cases (as it did also in my case). Nevertheless the whole think worked fine in the past … mabe it came with an Ubuntu Update/Upgrade? Maybe it is only a Laptop-problem???

    Anyway … it can be a real disaster if your PC/server is located anyware on this planet. But I think this (screen blank - never) will resolve it for me.

  • liad
    liad Posts: 1

    Come on this is 2024 and we are still having the same issue?! I'm about to give up on TeamViewer…

    Running Ubuntu machines 2000 km away from each other. None of the solutions mentioned work in my case, except rebooting the client, which is now impossible. The issue is recurrent for a few months already, but now it happens on a daily basis.