Ubuntu 14 native Teamviewer
Hi we want to move from TeamViewer 12 to 13. Unfortunately on the website there is still written "Preview" at the teamviewer Linux version.
Is it already stable and useable for production use?
Moreover I found in the docs the following remark: "Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity works, but is not recommended."
Why they add it? Are there any stability problems or other problems with ubuntu 14.04 (unity is default)?
At this time Teamviewer 13 is a preview and requires a Qt 5.5 and Ubuntu 14.04 NOT longer supported, update to 16.04: https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Linux/Dependency-is-not-satisfiable-libqt5gui5-lt-5-5-Error/m-p/25678#M1301
Errata corrige: add these ppa at Ubuntu 14.04:https://launchpad.net/~beineri/+archive/ubuntu/opt-qt551-trusty
These ppa add a QT5.5
0 -
Thanks, @trekfan1 !
Actually, next week we will release an update that brings limited support for Debian 8. (Check abouve link again)
I did not verify that Ubuntu 14 will then also work without PPA, but it's likely.Stability
The general stability is quite good, as there is no new code under the hood. What we are currently doing is building a new UI on top of well-tested backend code.
The preview label indicates that the UI is not complete yet.
Please read the release announcement for details.
Unity is buggy. Most likely you will not notice issues, and if so minor ones. For example if the left panel of Unity does not pop out when moving the mouse towards it (remotely), then that's Unity at work.Linux Developer0 -
These tricks (adding ppa) it's suggested by user of italian ubuntu forum (i'm italian), without these ppa QT 5.5 it's not present in trusty, for debian 8 users it's possibile adding another ppa, i have posted link in another topic0
Dear @Sensape,
the update adds limited support for Debian 8. I think it should also work on Ubuntu 14.
[Update: 13.0.6634] Christmas UpdateAll the best,
DanielLinux Developer0