Menu is gone after updating to 13

After i updated from tm 12 to 13, the menu at the top is gone (see image). Thats a whole lotta functions i can no longer use =/


  • I see now that its not a bug, its a feature apparently. Real clever decision to release teamviewer 13, not beta, the full release, without a lot of the features that makes teamviewer good. Since you cant connect to TV 13 hosts from TV 12, i cant even just downgrade. I cant even begin to imagine how many hours of work this is gonna cost me. Goodbye teamviewer, im done.
  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    @rbpOne, toolbar is coming back with the update next week

    Linux Developer
  • Don't wish to sound crass but...

    How did it get released WITHOUT a toolbar? I can't even switch to the other monitor of the remote machine...

    Also - no search on 10,000 clients....baw bag

  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    Also - no search on 10,000 clients....baw bag

    @Daleus search in Computers & Contacs is also in the release next week :robothappy:

    Linux Developer
  • It's like you don't even realise that many of your customers have thousands of clients they need to be able to reach.
  • Agreed. Next week isn't good enough.

    I upgraded to v13 on Linux at teamviewer's behest.

    Sure, push a popup to the free version users - but we're commercial users and this has really messed me up. I am having to use the teamviewer website and google chrome plugin (which work about as well as expected).


    @DanielStm Please can you provide a link to the v12 .deb - as's linux page is offering this version of V13 which is unusable and no apparent link to v12 available?


  • Daleus
    Daleus Posts: 6
    edited November 2021

    @DanielStm I wasn't joking, where's that link? This is a **bleep** shambles.

  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    @Daleus sorry, I didn't check my mails, finishing the update release...
    Update should be out on Tuesday. I apologize for the trouble caused by this.

    I think this is what you're looking for:
    There is a link on the download page, but I guess it could be more obvious without scrolling...

    Linux Developer
  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠