I think we found a bug, but this is quite possible that we are doing something wrong.
Here is my case:
I have 2 employer (the first one works with me almost 7 years).
Each of my employer was adding new contacts to the list.
I have 5 defined groups.
One of them is named "NEW CONTACTS" and only for this one group my employers have a WRITE permission , each other group they can only read.
I was thinking that this would be good If I be able to see all new contacts and eventualy correct they names, to be properly formated (I have my own rules >> naming conventions), or move them to the proper group.
Recently I was submit few post about filtering hosts/devices "without names".
Last week we found that my employer have possibility to add new contacts to many groups, some of them are even duplicated.
When he adding new contact/devices to the list the default selected group is not "NEW CONTACTS"
When he add new contacts to the other groups he see it on the list, but not me !!!
Why my empolyer have this all groups visible when he adds new contacts/devices ? REMARK: he have WRITE permission only to one group.
Why he see some groups duplicated (with / without CLOUD ICON)