Service camp App?

Are there any plans to create a service camp app? So we can easily reply/close tickets from hand held devices?

Best Answer


  • Yervand_PM
    Yervand_PM Posts: 102 Staff member 🤠


    There are some plans to have a mobile version of Servicecmap however no any exact dates at this moment.


    Product Owner
  • CDT
    CDT Posts: 3

    Any update on this?

    Mobile devices are quite a popular platform for such operations, these days ;-0


  • CDT
    CDT Posts: 3
    Please please please can we have an app for this soon! I use SC a lot and the web interface on even a large iPhone is a nightmare imho.

    It may be easy working between outlook and service camp, creating tickets from email - a natural process - but most of the time all I have in front of me is iOS on a small screen.

    Happy Christmas and New Year btw ?
  • Hi, 
    This question was asked more than 6 months ago. Is there still no plan to make this happen?
    We need to get an answer or try to find another system that does support this. 

  • Yes, a necessity.



  • hi,

    an ios and android-app would be great!

  • narek-m
    narek-m Posts: 4 Staff member 🤠


    Servicecamp mobile view already released , you can use them from any mobile device you want. 

  • Any update on this? Being able t respond to new tickets on my iOS device is very useful.

  • Hi @narek-m,

    Is the app available on android devices in Canada? I have been unable to locate the app in the app store. 

  • narek-m
    narek-m Posts: 4 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Sajnunn 

    It's not an native application that you can find in app store, but there is a nice mobile view of the web site, which provide almost all functionality.
