A unknown user connected to my pc even though i have a password and my team viewe is set to accept l

How do i check in the logs if he didn't transfered anything to my pc?

It was only for a short time, i was on my pc at the time, file transfer was on, at least based on what i could understand on the logs. I don't remember seeing any file transfer pop up.

According go the logs he had like 30 seconds of access on my computer.


The piece of the log file that has the unknown user up to the final log entry that has it mentioned:


Its this [Removed per Community Guidelinesuser, could be a device name, idk. My team viewer is set to receive only lan connections. Idk how he got to me.

 [Removed per Community Guidelines


I couldn't paste the log on this post since everything would go over the 20,000 characters limit


Best Answer

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠
    Answer ✓

    Hi SpartanHexus

    Please contact us at privacy@teamviewer.com


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?


  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠
    Answer ✓

    Hi SpartanHexus

    Please contact us at privacy@teamviewer.com


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • I also just had an Unknown user remote onto my PC. I just downloaded it a few days ago and only use it locally (don't have any setting changed from default)

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,437 Moderator

    Hi @FireCloud42,

    Welcome to the Community.

    We take security matters very seriously, therefore, we appreciate that you have reached out to the Community.

    Please know that the default settings in TeamViewer would not allow someone to connect to a device without knowing your TeamViewer ID and password.

    At this stage, it is difficult to identify what exactly happened and who was connecting to you.

    Thus, we would suggest checking the Incoming connections logs that are recorded automatically on your PC to check the TeamViewer ID of the incoming connection.

    • To locate the log, please check the filename: Connections_incoming.txt
    • If the TeamViewer ID is unfamiliar, please write to the following email address about your case as @Scotty mentioned: privacy@teamviewer.com

    💡On top of this, we would highly recommend using the extra security layer to your device such as  🛡Allowlist, which helps to filter out unnecessary and unwanted remote connections to the device. For more details on TeamViewer security features and settings, please check our security handbook.

    If there is anything else we can help you with or if there are still any open questions, don't hesitate to contact us again!

    Stay safe,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター